Chapter 11: Guardian-BEN Style

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"ALRIGHT WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BLAST!" BEN screams as you say that you've chosen him.

"I finally have a new victi- I mean opponent to face when I play video games! Hey can we go try and play some right now?!" BEN was waaaay too excited because all you had your mind on was focusing on getting your friends back and to safety. Even though you knew all of them and they haven't killed you yet you still didn't trust them. For pete's sake they were all just acquaintances and you would rather be home with your friends. The thought that they could kill you at any moment kept passing through your mind.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" BEN instantly piped down sensing that something was wrong.

"Nothing. I was just doing some thinking is all." You replied staring up at the ceiling.

"What about?" BEN asked you eagerly.

"It doesn't matter. Do you wanna play a video game or something?"


"So I guess asking you to go easy on me is out of the question huh?"

"LETS GO. COME ON Y/N" BEN started jumping up and down on the couch almost falling over from excitement.

"He's going to be watching over me while I'm here...? What the fuck? He's acting like a ten year old that just got a new XBox! I mean he's sweet but will he actually protect me?" You thought to yourself before walking to sit on the floor in front of the tv. After grabbing a controller BEN had already popped into the tv.

"BEN what the hell that's unfair...." You said to the tv as you heard BEN start to laugh. A text box appeared on the screen that said "Y/n you're going down! Good luck you're gonna need it."

Laughing Jack entered the room and looked at you. Jeff also walked in and stared at you. After staring at the screen and noticing BEN they both spoke in unison.

"Y/n do you want us to help you against BEN?"

"We can form a team" LJ said to you. You just nodded and smirked at the tv. BEN wasn't paying attention so when two more players joined he was shocked.


"Can't handle all of us Mr. Amazing?" Jeff retorted back to BEN.

"BRING IT SMILE BOY." BEN said loudly but you could sense the fear in his voice. Did losing a video game really mean that much to him? Of course it was Super Smash Bros, and you were a beast at this game.

You chose to play as f/c (fav character) while Jeff and LJ both chose Link but wearing different clothes.

"F**K YOU GUYS" BEN said through a text box on the screen which bleeped out the uc. Jeff and LJ were laughing hysterically at the fact that BEN kept trying to change their characters but with the controllers they were faster and started the game before he could go back. Another advantage of them playing as Link is that BEN always refuses to fight him so he doesn't know what moves Link has. Everyone was really getting into the game when BEN stuck a hand outside of the tv and pulled you up against the tv screen squishing your face. He was laughing so hard that LJ took this opportunity while BEN's character wasn't moving to use his Final Smash move on him sending him flying off into the distance swearing.

"Why did I pick him? He seemed nicer before. Now he's just an asshat..." You mumbled under your breath.  You didn't quite understand how someone could possibly like video games that much.  I mean you weren't exactly one to talk because you mostly sat at home staring at your computer screen.  Staring at the timer in the game you only had about a minute left to go.  BEN was losing by a lot and you almost felt bad because you three were killing him about two times each minute.  Trying to remember back you didn't think that you had died once, and plus maybe Laughing Jack had died once and Jeff once as well.  Secretly you wondered if choosing BEN as a guardian meant playing video games all day everyday. Which you were perfectly fine with.

In an instance the game shut off and the power went out in the entire mansion.  You didn't know what that meant for BEN who was in the tv at the time that the power went out.

"He'll be fine in there.  Once the power comes back he can pop out of the tv.  For now I guess I'll just show you around the mansion since that's what BEN was supposed to be doing."  Jeff growled at you.

"Why the hell is Jeff all pissed off all of a sudden?"  You thought since he was in a good mood before the power went out which was like... a minute ago.  

"BEN needs to take his guardian job more seriously.  He's supposed to be protecting you dammit.  I just don't get it... If he likes video games that much then why doesn't he just marry them?!?!" Jeff practically screamed at you.

"Woah calm down Jeff.  I don't know why the hell you're so pissy, but knock it off please.  BEN is stuck in the tv so for now can you just show me around?" You said to Jeff trying to just get a move on since you really didn't want to get lost in the mansion.  You knew where the kitchen, living room, and some bedrooms were.  Also where the door to the basement was after meeting Eyeless Jack.  You started following Jeff around as he showed you where you would be staying.  He remained pretty quiet until he was finished showing you around, or at least you thought.

Jeff had taken you outside into Slender Woods.  He was showing you around and took you as far as you could so you couldn't see the mansion anymore.  You thought he would stop at some point, but he didn't.  He just kept walking until he led you to a wire fence with a cut out hole in it.  Even when you got to the fence he kept walking staying inside the fence talking to you, walking along the fence.

"Dammit BEN I swear... Why the hell do I have to take over for you.  Y/n you should have picked me."  Jeff said staring at you right in the eyes. "Also I'm sorry.  It wasn't supposed to be me that did this.  But..."  After not finishing the sentence Jeff sprinted away from you so far that you couldn't catch up.  Your head starting pulsing and throbbing so much that you fell down and the last thing you heard was static.  Through the static you heard the words of Slender speak to you.

"Crawl through that hole.  Leave here and forget about any of us.  Forget about your friends before the evil can take over. Leave before you can see the true damage of what we can do to you.  We can hurt you child.  Leave the memories of your friends behind if you want to stay safe.  Child continue on this journey..."  After this the world started spinning around you as you tried running anywhere you could.  Fighting through the pain you ran and ran screaming until someone eventually found you and carried you away.  All the while a stinging sensation filled your chest.

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