Chapter 33- Jeff Style: To Stay or to Go

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I woke up back in my room in the mansion. How did I get here and why do I feel.... Angry? What happened to me? I don't understand anything. This hurts. My head feels like it's going to explode I can't take it. I tried standing up, but just fell down again. After sitting in my bed confused and thinking about what to do next I heard loud yelling coming from what I figured was downstairs.


Hush my children. You are to end this pointless party at once. If you hadn't noticed Y/N is currently unconscious as is Sally. All of you go to your respective rooms and I expect that you'll stay there for the rest of the night. CLEAN ALL OF THIS UP NOW.

Well that certainly didn't help my head at all. The ringing only grew louder before it ceased entirely. If only I could walk now then I might be able to see what's going on down there and what all the hootin and hollering is about. Unfortunately my legs only ended up giving out again. I couldn't do anything, but just sit there and wait to gain my balance or energy or whatever the hell it was I needed.

3rd person POV

The attendees were busy cleaning up the party and departing from the room to their own bedrooms still drunk. They could have their own pity parties in their rooms alone. How fun. Meanwhile Jane and Ted were standing at the front door with Slender before he commanded her to join him and Sally in his office for a brief "talk". This left Ted to his own devices. With this free time he decided to find y/n and make sure she was okay. He wasn't allowed to see her and he would soon have to make a decision. Should he stay or leave?

He had to find his girlfriend or his ex girlfriend or whatever they were now and talk. Reading Ted's thoughts Slender told him where she would be so that he might find her. Ted walked up to her room to find her conscious again but just laying in her bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Hey uh y/n. It's me Ted." He said as he started walking over to her slowly. She began to sit up in her bed and just stared at him blankly.

"Ted? What are you doing here. I thought you ran away with that other girl. You left me. Do you know how hurt I was when you left? You didn't even bother to stop me."

"She dragged me away. She wasn't what I thought she was initially. I'm sorry I shouldn't have went with her."

"But you did. If you came here to try and get some sympathy for venturing back out here to this nowhere then sorry. You're not getting anything from me. If anything, anything at all... A broken heart. Leave this mansion I don't want to see you ever again. You shouldn't have left me."

Her words stung his heart like a dagger. His eyes began swelling up and within a few seconds water began pulsing out of his body. Shooting through his eyes, his mouth, ears, nose, and any other open area of his body. Screaming inaudible words due to the intensity of the water he ran out of the room leaving her baffled and staring at the puddle of water where he was standing. He knew what his choice would be.

Very well then child. Come into my office and we shall finish what you started.

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