Chapter 1~Slender Mansion

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"What are you crazy? There is no way in hell I'm going near that!" You protested.

"C'mon Y/n you asked for a dare!" F/n said back to you. You were surrounded by several friends that were closing in around you. You quickly turned to look at all of them and growled.

"I'll go if you go because admit you're all just as scared!"

"No we're not!"

"Oh yeah? Then why don't you guys go too?" You finished saying before you noticed your friends being knocked out and being dragged into the massive stone mansion that stood before you. You thought your eyes had deceived you as you saw eight giant black tendrils dragging them into the mansion through the various windows.

"Well shit." You thought because now you felt like it was your responsibility to find them and get them back. You didn't know what lurked in the seemingly abandoned, deserted, and desolate mansion, but you had to get them back.

"A beautiful mansion like this... what is it doing in the middle of a forest? Ah never mind. I just hope the inside looks as nice as the outside... and that whatever's in there isn't there now..." You thought to yourself.

After putting on your bravest face you walked to the front door slowly little did you know that what lurked and hid inside could hear all of your thoughts. You knocked on the door slowly and jumped back when it swung open quickly. Inside you could just barely make out different phrases through all the static.

"You shouldn't have done that...You've met with a terrible fate haven't you..."

"Go to sleep..."

"He died..."

"Spread the word..." At this you started walking into the mansion as if hypnotized. The interior was dark and gloomy, but still a mansion. There were pictures on the wall. Some more horrifying than others. The first one you noticed was one of a small boy with raven hair playing with a dog. There was something odd about the dog though. It had human teeth, and it was red... The next picture was of a boy with blondish hair in green swim trunks crying in a kiddie pool. His eyes were a reddish color. The third picture in the middle scared you the most. It depicted an unusually tall man of ten feet if that was possible. He was wearing a suit with a simple red tie, but what scared you the most was that he had no face. There were others in the picture but your attention was soon drawn to writing on the wall in front of you.

"Welcome to our home Y/N" As this wrote, a mirror appeared before you. As you glanced into the mirror you saw them behind you. All of the men in the middle picture. You almost passed out at the sight of them, but instead the tall one in the black suit grabbed you by it's tendrils and sat you down in a chair. It spoke rather calmly.

"Welcome Y/N to my home. Slender Mansion."

(Phew first chapter done. Hope everyone likes it. I'm now debating whether or not I want to even involve romance or just like a normal story that's reader insert. As it continues I'll decide. Let me know if it should continue!)

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