Chapter 2~Your First Day

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"What the hell is going on?" You screamed at them before you saw a teenager pull out a knife.

"She's a little brat! What do you think you can just barge in here like that?" Jeff the Killer said.

"Humph she didn't idiot. We brought her here." A boy clad in green said from a couch rolling his eyes and playing what looked like The Legend of Zelda.

"H-hey guys... W-whah! S-sorry I d-didn't realize w-we had c-company..." Lost Silver.

"Can I eat their kidney's now?" Eyeless Jack.

"No we need them alive!" Jane the Killer.

Everyone's voices died down once your head was filled with static as it was now the only thing you could hear. Everyone cringed as they all shouted in unison.

"Alright we get it!"

"Good my children. Now let us not waste time." The tall, slender man in the suit spoke and following him the one in green spoke while looking up from his paused game.

"So I guess quick introductions? I wanna get back to playing my game so I'll go first. My name's Ben. Ben Drowned to be exact." After him the one holding a knife spoke.

"Jeff. Jeff the Killer. This is my dog Smile. Open up Smile" He said with a grin forming on his own face. You jumped back because you noticed it was the dog in the photo with the human teeth.

"That boy in the picture... he must have been around five, but the dog looks the same now..." You thought to yourself. The dog called, Smile came up to you and sniffed you like any other dog would.

"And I'm Jack and that's also Jack. Can I have your kidneys?" A man without eyes said pointing at a black and white clown looking guy eating candy. The clown was the next to speak.

"I'm Laughing Jack and he's Eyeless jack just so you know."

Last to speak was the one that had very long arms, legs, and a body.

"That boy without arms and legs is Lost Silver. Yes he lacks arms and legs. Several others should be making an appearances later too, but for now it's just us. So finally my name is Slenderman, and you have been brought here under unusual circumstances. Normally this mansion is hidden from view, but it becomes visible to those we choose. You see we all want to play a game."

"Can you explain later? For now just show her around so she won't get lost" The one named Ben said still focusing on his video games. Slenderman then pulled the others and gathered them around Ben further annoying him. They spoke a bit amongst themselves leaving you confused and scared. Like what the hell kind of a name is Jeff the Killer or Ben Drowned? They finally turned back to you and you heard them all agree on something.

"Alright everyone I dismiss you all. This will now be used as free time. Y/n I reccomend using this time to get to know us. After all this is all part of the game. That is your first instruction. Remember you should talk to everyone. They could easily kill you if you leave them out. Best of luck." Slenderman says to you before disappearing.

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