Chapter 9~Memories

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"Jeff?  Ben?  Smile?  LJ?  EJ?  Someone!  Anyone please!  Don't leave me here to die!  I thought you were all my friends!  Slender?"  You called out to anyone that could hear you from the bed where you were tied down.  You screamed in pain as if someone was cutting you open and ripping you apart piece by piece.  The last thing you saw before it was all over was his face.  The face of the one you secretly loved.  The one that would kill you.

"You will love him.  You have to.  There is no way out.  It must be painful to love the one who must kill you...  But it is for the best.  Unless... you... can..." A voice rang inside your head repeating, but never finishing the thought.


You sprang up screaming as you shut your eyes tightly trying to hold back the tears but failing.

"Why the hell am I crying?"  You thought to yourself as you examined your surroundings.  You tried to remember where you were, but looking at nothing but blood stained walls didn't help.

"Hello?  Anyone...?"  You managed to choke out in between sobs.  So many thoughts began pulsing through your head like waves.   You wondered where you were and more importantly who you were.

"Y/n?  Are you awake now child?"  A voice rang in your head as a static noise began buzzing in your ears.  You held your head as the noise got louder and louder to the point where your head was throbbing.

"Stop it daddy Slender!  You're hurting her!"  You saw a small girl in a pink nightgown run over to you yelling.  You cringed even more at the added noise until the static started to ease up.  Slowly removing your hands from you head you stared at the people that were surrounding you in the room.  Several of them had masks on and you noticed that one had a weird smile, there was dog, and only three females in the room besides yourself.

"W-who are you g-guys...?"  You said drying the tears from your face with your hands until your hands were soaked.  After what seemed like several minutes of silence the very tall slender one without a face spoke to everyone.

"Miss Y/n.  Do not be afraid of us.  Please remember that we are your friends.  We want the best for you and it would appear that right now the move in your best interest would be to stay with us here permanantly.  We understand that you are confused by all of this right now so we will all do our best to any questions you might have.  Before we let you roam around the mansion we will remind you of who we are.  I am Slenderman.  We will allow you to select one of us to guide you around the mansion and to stay with you as a guardian until you become comfortable with us here."

The tall faceless man finished saying as you were left to look around the mansion until a sharp pain struck the inside of your head as you squeezed your eyes shut tight.  Memories came flooding back to you one by one of very specific people that were standing before you now.  You remember Jeff the Killer and his red bloody stained dog Smile and the conversation you had with Jeff about his family.  You turned to look at Jeff and smiled at him to which he raised an eyebrow at you and continued cleaning his knife.

Next you remembered Ben and the one time you two played his video game together.  Ben was hardly paying attention to you because he brought a gameboy with him to play on and was highly invested in his game.  You rolled your eyes when you saw this and then the memory of EJ hit you.  That horrendous smell and look of the kidneys that he was eating.  Not realizing you were making a weird face EJ noticed and spoke to you.

"Are you okay Y/n?"  He asked you causing you to snap out of the face you were making.  You just nodded and grunted remembering how rude he seemed to you when you first met him.  The memory of the three proxies came next and the conversation you had about cheesecake and you giggled to yourself thinking about Toby.  Everyone else in the room just stared at you like you were crazy because your mood kept changing with each memory.  That was the last memory that you had.  You for some reason felt like those memories didn't exactly fit in with one another, but you just decided to not question it.

After you looked up at Slenderman who then motioned for everyone to introduce themselves to you again. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip about 10 minutes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Okay so if I have this right you're Jeff, Smile, Ben, Smiley, EJ, LJ, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Slenderman, Jane, Sally, Clockwork, and Lost Silver...?  Is that right?"  You said pointing to the raved haired boy, his dog, the boy in green, the doctor, The one with the blue mask, the black and white clown, the boy with the mouth guard, the other boy in a mask, the one with the yellow hoodie, the tall one with the white face, the girl with black eyes, the little girl, the girl with a clock eye, and the boy with no limbs.

"That is correct Y/n good job.  Now is the time for you to decide who you wish to be your guardian while you stay here.  Unfortunately because not all of these people stay here all the time or are able to there are only a few from which you can choose.  So they know who they are as I have already spoken with them beforehand about if they wish to take on this task.  Please come forward."  Slenderman said to everyone telepathically.

You watched as Jeff, Ben, EJ, LJ, Toby, Masky and Hoodie, and Slenderman stepped forward.  You suddenly became uncomfortable because you had 26 eyes all staring at you.  You felt pressure being put on you as you decided to make your decision quickly to get it over with.  You chose...

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