25. I'm a MotherFucking Zombie

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A/n had a blast writing the last chapter so I figured I'd just keep going for you all.

I'm kinda assuming that you know who was saving Cassidy but anyways you'll find out in less than 5 seconds I'm sure.


"I'm a MotherFucking Zombie." I state gesturing to myself.

"Jesus fuck. Nico I swear to fucking god." Cassidy states smiling at my antics.

Nico Skies POV

"God I thought you were dead. Where are the others?" Cassidy rapidly fires questions as I made my way over to the dead sack of shit on the floor and rummaged for keys.

Ah ha!

Snatching the keys I walked over to Cassidy and began undoing her restraints.

"They don't know I'm alive. Alistair- the fucking bastard - shot me and I was bleeding out, I heard screaming and yelling but I was pretty out of it, but I got myself up and crawled out a window. Next thing I know I'm waking up with a bunch of beautiful women around me." I state.

Cassidy pulls her arms down and rubs her wrists for good measure.
"-so you were hallucinating? That doesn't really surprise me to be honest-"

"I wasn't hallucinating. It was the two women from club Ember, plus the cute bouncer. Apparently they were listening in on Debaro and found out our location. They were patching me up and yeah. I'm alive because of them." I shrug before pulling out a handgun and passing it over to Cassidy who takes it graciously.

"Do we have back up?" She asks as she tests the weight of the gun in her hand again.

Shrugging I reply. "-i know that Leon and the others got out, and that they were organising Their attack on Debaro." Cassidy nods in recognition as she starts patting the pockets of one of the guards as we made our way out of the musty cell they had her in.

"- if I can find a cell phone i can get into their security system - if they're connected to the WiFi." She mutters to herself.

Fist pumping the air she pulls out a phone from the groaning guard before sending a swift punch to his face knocking him out again.

"Also call Drew, god knows he and Leon will be freaking out." I state as we make our way down the hallway.

"-I can't believe that- he actually said that you weren't in his top ten lays? Hun, you're like the best lay around here." A male voice stated around the corner.

"God I know right? It was so fucking rude, who'd be better than me? Stephen?" Both voices laugh.

Cassidy and I share a look before ducking into the shadows of the wall as they walk past.

"We better hurry before they figure out I'm missing. I've coded the phone but it won't really be any help." Cassidy states.

"Call the back-up then." I suggest we we run up the stairs.

"Fuck me" I groan as I pulled my gun, flicking the safety off and locking eyes with him.

"Oh fuck." Cassidy states as we come face to face with Alistair and a group of Debaro's men.

"You're supposed to be fucking dead!" Alistair yells.

"Sorry to disappoint you." I all but hiss out. Cassidy grabs the back of my shirt before pulling at something that was near the waistband of my jeans.

Flash bangs

Alistair sneers at me as the rest of the posé draw their guns.

I hear the small click of Cassidy pulling the pin off one of the flash grenades. Grabbing my shirt she yanks me back into the staircase to the basement just as it goes off.

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