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A/n This chapter will be in a third person POV and the rest of the book will be in first person.


Third Person POV

Lucy's bare feet hit the cold gravel with force. She was running for her life and the life of her unborn child.

Leon told her that she could trust his friends but here she was, running from Grant and his hired help.

She should have just gone home, she paid Leon and his crew to escort her to safety, to her family's estate in Italy.

While her and her family weren't on good terms she would rather be alive to fight with them. She ran away seven years ago, the age of 15 when her father - the head of the Italian mafia family the Anermos - told her she was to wed the eldest son of the snobbish Italian family Dirbaro when she was supposed to turn 16, and she ran a mere 4 weeks shy of her 16th birthday.

She thought about it though, if she had gone home her father would have probably forced her to abort her unborn child and Marry the privledged dickwad that was Demitri Dirbaro, who would would have now been 25 to her 22 years of age.

She was in hiding for over a year in New York before she met Leon, she was used to the tall, brooding type man, but he sparked something in her, dare she say happiness. The barely four weeks she spend at The Devil's Possession headquarters she fell in love with him and him with her, she didn't even get to tell him she was pregnant before Grant attempted to kill her.

She assumed that he would have found out when he walked into their bathroom, where her pregnancy test sat near the sink.

"Where the fuck is she?!" Grant's voice penetrated the calm yet unnerving atmosphere of the abandoned port.

Lucy slid up behind some pylons and barrels, attempting to remove herself from sight and the light from Grant's and his friends' torches.

Lucy looked around, her only escape would be to jump into the water and swim her way out of the port, and she was running out of time.

"There you are!" She turned around to face a tall man, with dark shaved hair and green eyes, Lucy had seen his face before - in one of Leon's files.

Kyle Markens she remembered.

Lucy stood up and cautiously watched him as she backed closer to the water.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked stalling - she already knew that Grant wanted her gone so he could get with Leon, she had seen the lovey-dovey and longing eyes he'd give to Leon, because she was sure she'd done them too.

"Grant wants you gone, paid me quite handsomely, and let's just say I enjoy hurting Leon, I'd much rather prefer to hurt him but if killing you makes him hurt that makes me just as happy." Kyle states chuckling. Kyle raided his gun towards Lucy.

Lucy was hoping to time her fall into the water to just miss the bullet he was about to shoot at her.


Kyle pulled the trigger as Lucy fell backwards into the water. She was hit with the icy cold water, as well as pain resonating from her shoulder, Kyle had missed his shot in Killing her but not in injuring her.

Her arm throbbed in pain but she pushed her limbs to propel her forward in the icy cold and murky waters of the abandoned New York Port.

She was almost home free. But her thoughts were getting the better of her.

Would Leon miss her?

Does he know about their unborn child?

Was it all an act?

Would Grant keep it all hidden?

Did he actually even love her?

Lucy broke the surface of the murky water and was underneath one of the jetty's. She had swam a substantial distance and she could no longer hear any of Grant's friends.

Swimming slowly she moved out from underneath the jetty and with substantial difficulty she lifted herself up.

From now on, she was on her own. She was going to keep herself and her unborn child safe, even when her heart was breaking at the thought of Living away from Leon.

A/n Hey everyone! Welcome to the Betrayed Identity's Love Once Lost.
Leon and Lucy's Story.
Here's the very short prologue - but it did have some important information.

Please feel free to comment and vote. The first chapter should be up on Saturday (if not Sunday!)

Till next time my lovelies! Xx

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