Chapter64: clouded christmas

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His heavy footsteps easily startled the ones kept down in his dungeons. Three prisoners halted their breathing and stared at the entrance. "Did you hear that?" wondered a woman wearing glasses. Limited by chains, she couldn't approach the metallic bars. Her two companions nodded at her question.
"I think I know who's coming.." a young boy stayed in front of the two women mainly to protect them.

It was by that phrase that Garmadon made his grand appearance. "I believe you are correct, dear brother." He chuckled menacingly. The three prisoners gave him dreadful looks, why did he have to show up out of all people? However, their thoughts were momentarily interrupted when a screech escaped the dark lord's lips. His hands were raided and a big smile appeared. "Merry Christmas, to you three! Misako, you didn't forget, now did you?" He stepped closer to the bars, that awful grin on his face disgusted the woman.

"Of course not. How can I forget about Christmas?" She gave her husband a suspicious look. He was being far too friendly, but whatever, she still remained in her comfort zone. She had Mistake and Wu with her so hope was not all lost. Garmadon laughed and clapped his hands. "Good! I was worried that you suffered through brain lost-" he was stopped by an angered Misako. The woman's eyes flared up behind her glasses. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Garmadon kindly explained his joke, "Oh! You know since you're always tagging along the resistance. It's far too far too dangerous out there, you know? Always fighting and always on the verge of dying. While I'm here enjoying myself and not even having to go out into battle!" with that smug grin still on his face. Misako stayed silent and this time, Mistaké intervened. "Shut it, we're fighting on the right side, unlike you." The old woman hissed, holding her hands out to Misako.

Garmadon laughed once more. "Ah yes, the oni. You're here too?" He asked, dumbfounded of course but he was certain that he didn't forget anyone who was his prisoner. Mistaké didn't answer, not like she was obligated to in the first place. But the emperor was soon fatigued by the dull and one-sided conversation he was having between his family members and a witch. "Ah I wish I could stay longer, but I have a daughter to look after." He claimed.

It earned red flags in Misako's mind. Her husband has a...daughter? With another woman? Ah but things get even more complicated here, it seems she doesn't know the full story hence her anger. "You, lying ungrateful-!!" The woman couldn't contain herself, couldn't help herself but to sob even. Garmadon tilted his head in confusion at the woman's irrational behaviour. "Oh my, have you finally gotten insane throughout your stay here in my dungeons?" Her husband wondered, mockingly sneering at her distraught form.

Misako wiped her eyes, "I'm not the one who's insane enough to fetch for another child." She spat, her words containing full of confusion and unreleased anger. Garmadon began trotting off from the prisoners behind bars. "Ah but how could I resist? She's adorable!" was the last audible words the three could hear before he disappeared completely from the lower floors. When he was gone, Misako fell to her knees and Wu was the first to notice.
"Misako! Are you alright?" He wrapped his arms around the older woman.

Misako sobbed into his arms, the handcuffs chains were now touching the back of Wu's neck for she had to wrap her own arms around him. With these chains, everything was uncomfortable. "Even though I kept my love for him, he still.."
she couldn't finish her sentence. Wu didn't know what to say of this matter for he never truly found a partner, though the only partner he did manage to find was the taken woman in his arms right now, subbing about her husband's betrayal. But that was in the past, for the young master has turned into a simple teenager.

"It'll get better soon, I assure you. My brother..just doesn't know what he's saying." Wu assured her with uncertain eyes. He wasn't sure whether or not Garmadon was bluffing about the whole "daughter" dilemma, but what he knows for sure is that Garmadon wouldn't directly hurt his wife like this. Or would he?
Staring at the ceiling, a pair of black eyes blinked then opened, blinked then opened. Before they stayed awake for good. "So it's Christmas, huh?" muttered a still half- asleep Harumi. Yesterday was already amusing for Harumi. My oh my, has she never seen that much snow in her life. A part of her wants to go back to the rooftop to laugh and play with that cold substance once more. Only seeing snow once in your life wasn't enough and Harumi knew it.

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