Bonus 5 - Hoe-hoe-hoe or whatever...

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There was a knocks, and my husband looked in through the window wearing his silly mask. Or should I say husbands? He'd changed four times the last week, and I almost felt dizzy trying to keep up with his different personalities. I should be used to it now, though. But it was always worse around holidays or when things out of the ordinary happened.

"Mommy, mommy! Look! Santa!" Annie shouted, and immediately ran to the door to open it. And Milo followed suit. But the moment he saw the red clothed man step into our hallway, he hurried back to me and hugged my legs. And when Mr. Jackson used his deep voice to greet us, he hid his face between my thighs. Me on the other hand, felt a familiar tingle when Mr. Jackson looked at me with a mischievous glimpse in his eyes.

"Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas," he said and held my gaze. And I knew exactly what he meant. And it was not meant for kids to hear.

"Hello, Santa! I've been really, really, really, really good this year. I even cleaned my room all by myself last week," Annie said proudly, and I sighed and giggled when I thought about that incident. It was actually a wonder the floor boards and the furniture didn't get damaged, since her eager 'cleaning' could be described as nothing less than a tremendous water leak. Why she thought it was a good idea to use the water hose through the window, was a completely different question. But I had a feeling that Applehead had something to do with it.

"That's good to hear, because I have some presents for you."

Annie squealed and jumped up and down, looking at me in excitement. And even Milo got curious when I picked him up and walked over to them.

"Thank you, Santa," Annie said and gave him a hug. Then she frowned.

"Why do you smell like my dad?"

"Next present!" I exclaimed, and cut off whatever it was Mr. Jackson was about to say. It was probably something inappropriate, judging by his mood right now, and I blushed when I could see in his eyes that he smirked underneath his mask.

"Milo," he read out loud and reached out for his son. But Milo barely dared to grab the present out of his hands, before he hid behind me again. At least he wasn't crying this year.

The kids got their other gift, too. And Annie ran over to Christa so she could get hers. Then Mr. Jackson folded his empty sack and stood up from his knealing position.

"But Santa... You forgot mommy's gift," Annie said to him with disapproval.

"That's because you momma will get something big that doesn't like to be wrapped," he said with eyes that pierced mine. And I awkwardly shifted, knowing that Christa probably understood what he meant.


Mr. Jackson poked her belly and made her giggle.

"Yes. And we'll have to change the lyrics to that song you use to sing."

I frowned just as much as Annie did. But when he started singing the first line to 'I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus', I got the picture, jolted forward and slammed my hand over his mouth. So he didn't get any further than '...mommy fuc...' before the rest got muffled and incoherent.

"Mommy!" Annie scolded and squinted at me.
"Now you won't get your present."

"I don't think I have much choice," I mumbled and heard Mr. Jackson growl in confirm the moment I removed my hand. Then he slapped my ass.

"Uhm, so... Bye then, Santa. And welcome back next year."

Then I turned to Milo and Annie.

"Say thank you, kids."

(18+) Smooth Xscape (Complete) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang