Ch. 39: Distraction failure

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"Now what?" I asked.

"We open an account with our new identities, and collect the money."

"Oh. That sounds logical. Why didn't I come up with that?"

I sighed. Annie had fallen asleep with full stomach and a dry diaper, and would probably be asleep for at least until the tank on the car was empty. I just hoped we found a bank before it did, so we could do as Geeksy suggested.

"It's quite normal to be a little disoriented and illogical after birth, and while breastfeeding. It's a part of a long line of postnatal symptoms. After having a baby, some moms experience dramatic changes in their emotional and mental health. Rapid mood changes, severe agitation, confusion or hallucinations and delusions. And those can be the beginning of a rare condition called postpartum psychosis. But that's most common the first few weeks after childbirth, and given the fact that you are now past that stage, I would estimate that..."

"...I should be thinking clearly again?" I interrupted.
"Well, thanks a fucking lot."

"Also, swearing in front of a child is not..."

"Shut your mouth, for fucks sake! If you say I'm disoriented and retarded, you should know I'm not capable of handling all of this... This..."

I couldn't find the right words.

"You never get retarded after a child birth, because that is something you either are born with, or is caused by a brain damage later on, such as cranial fractures, lack of oxygen over time, or decreased or ceased blood supply. That again can..."

"I swear to God, I'll give you a cranial fracture if you don't shut up, prune face! Now, find out where to go, and stop analyzing!"

I couldn't believe my own ears when he kept going, like he'd heard nothing of what I said.

"As far as the definition of the word 'analyzing' goes, it's not quite compatible with the term 'inform', which can be both an intransitive or a transitive verb, and that can be characterized as informing, or spreading knowledge not known by the other part. And that again, is not synonymous with analyzing..."

"By God, Geeksy! I'm gonna kick you out and tie you to the roof of the car, if you don't quit flapping your gums! Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth right now. For real! I'm about to get blisters in my ears and cramps in my brain, because of all the crap that's polluting my mind. It's like a friggin mental diarrhea, for crying out loud!"

"I believe the right term is 'seizure', because the brain is not a muscle, which leaves it physiologically impossible to get cramps. Per definition, you can exercise your brain by reading or solving crosswords. However, you brain is not that type of a muscle that can be exercised like an ordinary muscle, that extends or flexes certain parts of your body, with purpose of making a willed movement that makes the human race survive, by running from danger, or to feed or breed."

*PLING* Genius, Gail! Genius! He just dug his own grave.

I quit listening to him, and instead pulled over at the nearest bus stop I could find. Then, without even turning off the engine, I leaned over to him and placed my hand directly on his bulge, and started stroking him through his pants, and a long, surprised groan drowned his evergoing flood of words. And just as expected, his fingers started circling like mad, again. I altered between kissing, nibbling and licking his jaw, all the way up to his ear, and ended up sucking on his earlobe. I stroke him firmer, when I felt him start to grow under my palm, and I heard a small whimper when I adjusted his slacks to make room for him to get a full erection. And then I attacked his lips. A long, wet kiss, made him moan again, and he closed his eyes to hide his growing lust, to no avail, of course. I felt myself heat up like a chain reactor, but I suppressed it as hard as I could, and kept going with my little plan. And it didn't take long before his breathing started to get heavier, and his moans became more frequent.

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