Ch. 32: Babysitter

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"¿Quen es el dulce bebe?" Don Juan asked, without taking his eyes of Annie.

"The 'dulce bebe' is your daughter," I grunted, and watched Donnie go from curiousness, to stunned silence and disbelief, without even blinking his eyes. He swallowed heavily, and looked at me with his eyes wide open.

"What?!" he whispered.

"Yeah. That's the result of your love juice." I emphasized the last words and chewed on my bottom lip.

Donnie looked back at Annie, who was deeply asleep, and totally oblivious to the drama around her.

"But... Who's the mother?"

I rolled my eyes at him, and sighed.


"Hola, senora."

"Oh, cut the fucking crap, dimwit! I'm her mother and you are her father, and thanks to you, literally ruining the show downstairs, we need to get the fuck out of here."

Donnie frowned at me.

"You should not use language like that in front of a child."

"She's asleep now, and she doesn't even...! Whatever. Why do I even bother to keep a conversation with you? I already visualize the duct tape over your mouth, while I tie you to a pole. Now, pack you stuff!" I hissed and rolled my eyes. Then I found the suitcase and gave it to Donnie, who squinted at me for a long time.

"Don Juan doesn't practice those kind of things. Don Juan makes sweet love, that fulfills the yearning heart of a long neglected flower, and that is in desperate need of my love and attention. And la mujer hermosa should always be treated with respect and tenderness..."

"Or just get their brains fucked out by Mr. Jackson," I finished, suddenly wishing that he'll come through.

"PACK YOUR THINGS!" I yelled, and immediately regretted, because Annie woke up and started crying. But before I managed to even walk across the floor to her baby carriage, Donnie had already picked her up, and started rocking her gently in his arms. There was nothing hasty in his movements, only care and love. And even if he probably didn't quite understand that he was a father, he acted like a total pro, kissing her forehead and humming. And since Annie recognized him, she quickly calmed down, and fell into a slumber. A big smile spread across Donnie's face, when he studied his little girl, and his eyes were so filled in love, that I almost got jealous. But I only shook my head, and started packing.

Not very long after, everything was ready, and I was prepared to leave. So I walked over to Don Juan to grab Annie, but he smoothly dodged my attempt to even touch her.

"No! Don't take her," he exclaimed, with a possessive look on his face.

"But we need to go!"

"You can go ahead. Bye, bye."

I gasped loudly, and stared at him. Did I hear him right?!

"What?! I'm not leaving my daughter! Heck, I'm not even leaving you. Come on. Let me have her."

"Nu-uh," he muttered defiantly, and dodged another attempt to grab her.

"We need to leave. Now, gimme my daughter!"

"Shhh! You're waking her up again."

I felt my blood started to boil and bit the insides of my cheeks to keep calm.

"Listen carefully, schmuck. You're the man here, and you need to help me carry our stuff downstairs."

Don Juan still didn't look at me. He was zoning out everything else but Annie, just the way he did downstairs when he kissed that woman's ring. And I groaned loudly in annoyance, when I realized that I had to do everything all by myself. But after cursing and sweating, I got both the overloaded baby carriage, the suitcase, the bag and Don Juan with Annie in his arms, downstairs, and headed to the bar to talk to the owner. Then I turned to Donnie again.

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