Ch. 26: Teary eyes

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The first couple of months after Annie was born, flew by at the speed of light. At least it felt that way. Our lives were turned completely upside down in ways I never even thought of, and the time before Annie got a proper sleeping schedule was a nightmare for all of us. So I was just waiting for Michael to change into one of his alter egos. But, surprisingly, he never did. I guess his need to be around his daughter this first time, was strong enough to keep him stable. And Emanuel and Ennio immediately took the roles as uncle and grandfather. Things were pretty idyllic with the farm and with us, interacting like a weirdly composed family. Until one day...

An easily recognizable car parked outside the house, and two uniformed men came knocking at the door. I didn't see them at first, because I was busy in our bedroom, changing diaper on Annie and then, trying to get her to take a nap, so Ennio answered the door. But, silently I sneaked behind the door to the entry, trying to hear what they said. Ennio had been wise enough to not invite them inside, but instead went outside to talk to them there, and I prayed to God that Michael and Emanuel didn't suddenly come back from the barn earlier than expected.

I could only hear bits and pieces of what they said, but it was more than enough to understand that they were suspicious to if Ennio knew anything about Michael and me, and that we were wanted by the law enforcement. My heart raced a million times an hour, while I waited for Ennio's response, and I was literally on the verge of tears when I saw him shake his head in denial, when he saw our pictures on a piece of paper, held up in front of him. I saw one of the police officers snoop around, trying to find signs of our whereabouts, and my heart plummeted, when I remembered the little peril of baby clothes hanging to dry in the sun. I hid behind the closet, when he discreetly tried to look through the window, and exhaled with relief when he returned to his colleague. And, fortunately, soon after I saw the grey cloud of dust behind the car, as they took off down the road.

Ennio returned to the house with a deep frown on his forehead, a sure sign that he had a lot on his mind. I had only seen him like that two times before, and that was when one of his cows almost lost her life giving birth, and, after a dispute he had with his son, which ended in Emanuel leaving, and not returning until several hours later, drunk. I never asked what it was all about, because I had the feeling it was because of us. But every time we talked about finding a place of our own, both of them objected loudly. But this time, Ennio had a different look in his eyes, and I was stunned when he walked straight up to me and gave me a hug.

"Creo que el momento ha llegado, hija. Te tienes que ir, porque ellos van a volver con una orden de cateo. Es solo cuestion de tiempo."

(I think the time has come, sweetheart. You need to leave, because they are going to come back with a warrant. It's only a question of time .)

"W-what?" I stuttered, pulling gently away from him, and saw a sad face that looked at me with glossy eyes.

"Tu, Michael y tu nina pequena, tienes que ir tan rapido como puedas y por el mayor tiempo posible. Conozco a alguien que te puede ayudar a conseguir un pasaporte y salir del pais. Estoy seguro que el te puede ayudar con eso tambien."

(You, Michael and your little girl, need to get away as fast, and as far away, as possible. I know someone who can help you to get passports and get out of the country. And I'm pretty sure he can help you with that too.)

He turned to the kitchen, found a note and scribbled down a name and an address, and gave it to me.

"Ve a esta direccion y pregunta por Gobi, y dile que yo te mande ir ahr. Ve a empacar tu cosas ya, y yo voy a buscar a los ninos."

(Go to this address, ask for Gobi, and tell him I sent you there. Now, go pack, and I will go get the boys.)

I nodded, completely shooked by his words. He could easily have done it the easy way, the right way, and handed us over to the police right then and there. But instead, they were actually going to help us get away!

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