Ch. 2: Trabajo

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"Hello? Anybody speaking English here? No?"

I rang a bell at the bar top, and looked around to find someone that was working here. But I only saw a couple of half-sleeping men that sat at a table playing cards. And neither of them bothered to look my way.


A middle aged man with goat beard came strolling, appearantly having all the time in the world. He looked like a typical Mexican, except that he didn't wear any sombrero.

"Hola..." he grunted.
"¿Que quieres?"

"Yeah. Necesito trabajo, por favor. You help?"

I prayed to God that he understood what I was saying, because my Spanish still sucked after a few months here.


"What? No no! Yes! Si! I can work.. Uhm. ¿Yo work... uhm... trabajo en las baros?"

I pointed to all the bottles behind him before I tapped my finger on the counter, and then at myself.


"But, por favor! I really need a job! I can start today if you'd like?"


I scoffed in frustration.

"I can clean! I can... Argh! Just give me a damn job!"
Then I remembered to be polite and added:
"Por favor, senor."

Without any grimace at all, he gave me a once over.

"Puedes quedarte en ropa interior si quieres."

"Puedes what?"

He got this extremely sleazy grin, and reached over to pull at my shirt, and I immediately slapped his hands away.

"You want me to strip?!"

His grin got wider, and he nodded while he practically undressed me with his eyes. Disgusting!

"Dude! That is not gonna happen. Are you sure you don't need a cleaner?"

He just shrugged and turned to clean one of the taps, pretending that I wasn't even there anymore. A definite cue for me to leave. So I did. But when the dusty, warm air outside hit me, and the burning rays from the sun warmed my face, I hesitated. The thought of Joe in the sheep costume and the embarrassment he had to go through, made me feel a sudden pang of guilt. I guess I could just... I mean, how hard can it be... I bet the tip is good?

What are you doing, Gail? Why do you even consider it? This is as close to prostitution as you can get. Don't....!

But I did. I sighed, turned on my heels, and headed back in.

"Okay, I'll strip. ¿A que hora?"


A couple of hours later, both Joe and I were changing clothes in a room behind the bar. I had locked the door securely, in case the sleazy bartender decided to 'accidentally' barge in. I changed into the sexiest dress I had, and Joe into his regular clothes. And the sheep costume was neatly folded and put away into a bag for now. I can't believe why they thought a sheep was a logic commercial for toilet paper...? I mean, they're both soft and all, but seriously?

"What exactly are we doing here, again? You got a job here?" Joe asked.


"As a waitress?"


I pondered if I should tell him on beforehand, or just let him get shocked to see me on stage. It would be damn funny to see his face if I chose the last option, but I doubted that I would be able to keep a poker face and do as I was supposed to, if I did. And how dumb would it look if the stripper cracked up in fits of laughter in the middle of a seductive show?

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