Ch. 31: B**ch!

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Things went great the following week. Michaela got accompanied by a local band, and made a show that was completely mind blowing, and the audience loved her. The pub had never been busier, and I sometimes helped out waitering at the busiest nights, if the bartender's daughter was free to watch Annie. I still didn't speak French, but I managed surprisingly well only by hand gesturing, and pointing at the menu. And slowly, I picked up a few words here and there, too.

I just adored to see how Michaela blossomed at stage, and this night was no exception. In between serving beer and drinks, I caught myself in gawking at my hip trusting husband-wife, practically glowing in her goldpants on stage. And she was right. The stage lights really highlighted certain...areas...of her body. And I was not the only one to notice. Michaela didn't seem to care much, though, and acted like a pro in her performances and everything around the stage show, like it was nothing.

That was... Until a woman attacked her on stage, and started kissing her...

I immediately ran towards them, elbowing my way through the crowd, feeling the blood started to boil in my veins. How dare she suck on my Michaela like a starving leech?! Imma teach her a lesson she won't forget in a very long time, and I don't even need to know French, to make sure she understands. Body language carries a long way, and fists even longer.

Stop it, Gail! There is something odd about it, isn't it? Michaela looks... Why the fuck has she gone down on one knee, holding that bitch's hand?! And why is she looking at her like that? Is she... This is not Michaela. It's... It's...

I got there just as he kissed her wedding ring.

"To what do I have the honor of being blessed by such a beautiful woman, Milady?" he asked with a seductive, Spanish accent.

Nooooo!! It's Don Juan. The fuck up fairy has blessed us with his visit...again. Quick, Gail! Get that thing outta here before people notice!

But it was too late. The band had stopped playing, and stood laughing at the sight in front of them. And I can't say I blamed them. Because, looking at she stupidly giggling, and blushing, woman holding a kneeling Don Juan's hand, was absolutely ridiculous. And to see how he totally blocked out everything around him, focusing on sensually kissing the middle aged woman's wedding ring, was even worse.

I mentally facepalmed, grabbed Donnie by the collar of his t-shirt, and pulled him up. But unexpectedly, the lady got furious, and started yelling at me in something that wasn't French. Even I could hear that! Then she pushed me backwards, so I almost fell. Needless to say, I saw red.

"You, fucking slut! This is my man, do you hear me? See? This is my wedding ring! He belongs to me!"

I pointed angrily at my hand, and then at the moron that struggled to get up from the floor and out of my grip.

"I don't quite know what to do with him, but nonetheless, he's mine. M-I-N-E. So beat it, and get your fish stinking, shit cunt out of here before I knock your teeth into your skull!"

The lady yelled back at me, but I couldn't understand one word. But what I did understand, was her challenging me by walking up to my face with an attitude stinking of jealousy. I heard a gasp from the audience, and someone cheering us on for a cat fight. But it never came to that, because Don Juan got up, grabbed my waist and pulled me away from the frothing twerp. And seconds after, the bartender stepped between us, blocking any attempt to claw each other's eyes out.

I heard the woman hiss loudly at him, and that he yelled back at her, obviously explaining that me and Donnie indeed were married. Then he pointed at the exit, and gave a command that made her cower a bit. And reluctantly, she walked off stage and left, and the bartender turned to the audience, after squinting angrily at me.

"Le spectacle est termine!" he exclaimed.
"Les boissons sont offeret par la maison!"
(The show is over! Drinks are on the house!)

Then he turned back to me and Donnie.

"Et vous payez!"
(And you are paying!)

I had no idea what he said, but you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that it's wasn't any good news. But right then, I had to focus on the amorous casanova next to me.

"Get your ass up there!" I said, and pushed him towards the stairs, and away from all the staring people. Luckily, the music had started playing again, and took some of the attention away from us. But off course it didn't go unnoticed that the star of the night obviously got other plans. And it sure didn't help that the band kept playing Michaela's songs, without the vocals.

"This is not a good way for a mamacita hermoso to behave, Senora. Maybe I can help you relax, by bringing you into a galaxy of pure bliss, when I treat your body and soul with such tendern..."

I cut him off, furious as a bull.

"Well, this is not a good way for you to behave, either. Get your hands off me and shut the hell up! You just practically fucked that woman's hand, asshole. And you honestly couldn't pick a more wonderful moment to embarrass us. In public! Under your own damn performance! And yes, that was irony, in case you didn't understand."

I groaned loudly in annoyance and frustration.

"This is so humiliating... No, this is way beyond humiliation! It's... It's... There's not even a word for it! Just get your gold wrapped ass up those stairs, before any more of those cum dripping sluts tries to make you inseminate them."

"You should not speak about women like that. They are wonderful rose buds, that need the rays of sun to blossom, and..."

"So you're the friggin sun, now?! Well..."

I looked at him, remembering that I actually thought of him that way when I first saw him in those dangerously tempting goldpants, and I suddenly felt like a hypocrite.

"That's not very far from the truth, actually. But I need to explain a couple of things to you. You have no business seducing any other women than me! See this ring?! I'm your wife now! Me! So I'm hereby your victim of any attempt to romance the opposite gender. Capish?!"

He stared at my ring, and then down at his own hand.


"Damn right 'what'! And it's your fault that we had to get married too! Not that I really have anything against it, considering your other personalities. But you...! God! I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you. Because, to continuously trying to collect all your different aspects, is a pretty thankless job. Lucky for you, I've got a lot of karma to burn off, so I guess I'll manage."

Blushing and stumbling, Don Juan made it up the stairs, and I sighed with relief, when I finally could lock the door behind us. Then, I quickly paid the babysitter and made her leave, and we were left to ourselves. And that's when reality suddenly caught on to me.

This will definitely be mentioned in the news tomorrow, Gail! Even if it's only the local newspaper, you will be exposed. Hot damn! Maybe you've already been, because of Michaela's talent?! Shit! You gotta get outta here! Fast as humanly possible!

I felt both nauseous and scared. And even more, thinking about how I had to deal with this moron hanging over the baby carriage.

How the fuck is this going to end...?

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