chapter 1

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letting out a shaky breath, i looked up and made eye contact with negan. the only thing i saw in his eyes was pure evil.

there's no way i can get myself out of this one. this is how i am going to die.

"please, please. no, don't do this please" rick started whispering loud enough to where negan could hear him. negan let out a hollow laugh. "i simply don't see any other way rick! you need to understand who is in charge here." negan said breaking eye contact with me to look over at rick. but his bat still remained pointed in my face.

"kill me" abraham said from the opposite end of the line up. immediatley, i shot my head over to him. he looked over at me. 'what are you doing?' i mouthed to him. he broke eye contact and looked over at negan who still had himself positioned in front of me. "kill me instead" abraham firmly stated.

negan looked back and forth between abraham and i with an evil grin on his face. he then squatted down in front of me to where our heights were leveled out. "you have this group wrapped around your little finger" he whispered to me shaking his head with a smile in disbelief.

he then stood up and started to make his way down the line with his bat. "well since we have ourself a volunteer let's get to it!" negan said placing his bat on his shoulder arching his back. after looking around and taking in the fear he had caused, he placed himself directly in front of abraham and pointed his bat in his face.

shock and fear overwhelmed my body. i wanted to say something to stop negan, to stop abraham from sacrificing himself for me. but i was physically unable to move. it's my job to keep this group safe. but in this exact moment i am completely helpless. i felt carl's eyes on me and his grip on my hand tightened.

"if anybody moves, if anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father, and then we'll start. you can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. hell, you're all going to be doing that" negan stated right as he lifted his bat and smacked it directly in the center of abraham's head. still unable to move, a tear escaped from the corner of my left eye. the sound of sasha sobbing filled my ears.

abraham sacrificed himself for me. he willingly died to save my life, and i will never be able to thank him for it.

with blood gushing from the top of his head, abraham sat back up. "oh! look at that! takin' it like a champ!" negan called out as abraham made eye contact with him. "suck my nuts" abraham whispered with a shaky voice. negan lifted up his bat taking another swing at abraham's head. once abraham was on the ground, negan took several more swings at abraham's head to finish off the job he started.

all around me, everyone was crying. finally able to move, i squeezed carls hand out of fear. feeling his eyes on me,  i couldn't bring myself to look at him. i knew if i did, i would completely fall apart.

"did you hear that? he said 'suck my nuts' whew." negan said out of breath. he then let out his evil, hallow chuckle as he continued to hit abraham's remains with his bat. more tears left my eyes as the sound of the bat hitting what was left of abraham filled my ears. "oh my goodness! look at this!" negan said twirling his bat in my direction causing abraham's blood to splatter across my face. "you guys! look at my dirty girl!" negan said making his way over to where i was kneeling.

"sweetheart, lay your eyes on this" negan said placing his blood covered bat in front of my face. refusing to look at the bat, i looked up and made eye contact once again with negan. he smiled as i looked up at him in fear. "this was all for you, so take a damn look" negan said softly to me. trembling, i remained eye contact with him. "take a damn look!" negan then yelled at me.

at that exact moment, dad stood up from across the line, ran over to negan, and took a swing at his face. "dad" i said softly in fear. a few of negan's men grabbed onto him and forced him down to the ground. "dad! stop!" i yelled knowing he was about to get himself killed. "no! no." negan said going over to dad and pointing his bat at him. dad looked over at me and quit fighting back once he saw the look of terror spread across my face.

"that, oh my! that is a no no! that whole thing, not one bit of that shit flies here" negan called out with his bat still placed in dad's face. dad lied on the ground sobbing and staring at the bat. the guy which the long strawberry blonde hair came over with dad's crossbow and pointed it at his head. "do you want me to do it? right here." the guy asked negan who was now squatting next to dad pulling his hair. dad grunted out of frustration and helplessness.

"no. no you don't kill that. not until you try a little" negan said with a grin. he then looked over at me. "god, i hope you're exactly like him. it'll be great having two of you" negan said to me with a smile. dad started grunting even louder, trying to resist negan. and also to get negan to quit talking to me. negan's men then dragged him back into line.

"anyway, that's not how it works. now i already told you people first one's free, then what'd i say? i said i would shut that shit down! no exceptions. now, i don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with, but i'm a man of my word. first impressions are important. i need you to know me. so, back to it" negan said swinging his body around, raising his bat, and hitting glenn directly in the center of his head.

"no" i whispered with the tears starting to stream even harder. maggie started sobbing along with everyone else. "no!" maggie yelled out. glenn sat up shaking and groaning. blood covered his entire face. "buddy are you still there? i just don't know. it seems like you're trying to speak, but you just took a hell of a hit! i just popped your skull so hard, your eyeball just popped out, and it is gross as shit!" negan called out in amazement. "maggie i'll find you" glenn said barely legible. maggie's sobs shattered my heart. "oh. oh hell. i can see this is hard on you guys. i am sorry, i truly am. but i did say it, no exceptions!" negan said taking another swing at glenn. almost everyone around me sobbed as negan finished off glenn.

"you bunch of pussies, i'm just getting started" negan said continuing to swing his bat on glenn. "lucille is thirsty. she is a vampire bat!" negan said taking one final swing at glenn. he then walked back over to the center of the lineup where rick was placed. "what? was the joke that bad?" negan asked rick sarcastically.

"i'm gonna kill you" rick threatened negan. negan squatted down in front of rick to where their faces were aligned. "what? i didn't quite catch that, you're gonna have to speak up" negan said quietly to rick. "not today, not tomorrow, but i'm gonna kill you." rick said to negan. negan started at rick in disbelief for a few second before inhaling sharply.

"jesus. simon, what did he have, a knife?" negan asked one of his men. "he had a hatchet" simon stated answering the question. "a hatchet?" negan questioned with a smile growing on his face. "he had an axe" simon reworded. negan chuckled. "simon's my right hand man. having one of those is important. i mean, what do you have left without them? a whole lot of work. and just think, if big red over there didn't step in, you wouldn't have one any more" negan stated looking over at me with a smile.

i stared at negan emotionless and he sighed. "sure, yeah. give me his axe" negan ordered simon. negan held the axe up in ricks face. he then stood up and placed the axe in his belt. "what did rick's right hand man come with?" negan then asked simon walking over to where i was kneeling. "a bow" simon answered simply.

"a bow. hm, fitting. let me see it" negan ordered now standing directly in front of me. simon immediately handed negan my bow. negan smiled as simon placed it in his hands. "how long have you been shooting this thing?" negan asked squatting in front of me. i stared at him not saying a word. "answer the damn question" negan said softly. "got it when i was 13" i grumbled. negan smiled at the sound of my voice. "damn you even sound like your dad" negan said in amazement. rick then looked over at rick with a smile. " i like this one" he said pointing at me.

negan then stood up and handed me my bow. "don't try anything, just put it on" negan ordered. i did as i was told and slung my bow onto my back. "did she have a quiver?" negan then asked simon. "yep" simon said tossing it to him. negan caught it and then handed it to me. i slung it across my back also.

negan then offered me his hand. "what are you doing?" rick asked sternly. "what's your name sweetheart?" negan said still holding his hand out to me, but i didn't take it. "reagan dixon" i quietly answered. "reagan and i are gonna take a field trip" negan said answering rick's question. "take my hand" he said quiet but sternly. to avoid conflict, i did as he said and let go of carl's hand and replacing it with his. once standing on my own two feet, i looked over at my dad. this may be the last time i ever see him.

" i want to see if little dixon has as much spunk in her as her dad does" negan said everyone in my group. "come on reagan" negan said with a grin walking toward the rv. i hesitantly followed him into the rv, and i gently shut the door behind me after taking one last look at my people.

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