Chapter 33 | The Truth Zalas Told

Start from the beginning

Obsidian's intake of breath was audible, and Circe glanced to him worriedly before looking back to Zalas, "What about him?"

Zalas smiled wryly, "Simply another sin to add to the list. It was a big one though, so you should make yourself comfortable."

Anthemin approached from behind her, Circe felt him bump up against her back and she spared him a quick smile, but the mention of Obsidian's Father had set her on edge. She had assumed the man was past history after Obsidian had given up the pendant. So why was it that his name continued to appear in their lives?

She looked again to Obsidian and was shocked to find him still standing motionless in the same position, his body shaking, hands clenched into white knuckled fists at his sides.


His head jerked upwards at the sound of her voice, golden eyes jumping to meet hers and she was taken aback by the turmoil raging across his face. "I'm sorry," he offered jerkily, his next words all but breaking her heart, "I can't listen to this."
Before she had a chance to call him back, he was disappearing into the surrounding trees, the thick vegetation swallowing his presence completely.  She made to make after him but Anthemin's gentle words halted her.

Let him go. I will link us. He can listen if he changes his mind. 

Alright, Circe relented unwillingly. Turning back, she levelled a calculating glare in Zalas's direction.

The Prince was currently settling himself against Unabonan's massive hide but looked up in time to catch her expression. "What?" he asked innocently before another glare had him rolling his eyes, "Oh come on, surely you can't blame that little tantrum on me now can you?"

"I think you'll find Zalas," she uttered stonily, "that a great many things can quite easily be blamed on you."

Zalas sneered, "Well I can't say I blame him. If my Father was the even half the traitorous piece of shit his was, I wouldn't want to come within half a mile of someone even mentioning his name."

"Just get on with it Zalas," Circe demanded irately, "you said it yourself, we don't have the time."

"Fine." Zalas replied curtly. "If we are going to work together, then I think it is only fair that you know what I know, going into this mess. Do not think however, that what I am going to disclose forgives Aranel of any of her actions," he warned, "if she truly has gone down the path, we suspect she has, her crimes are unforgivable."
He stared off to the side, his face growing icily cold.  "Mark my words, I fully intend to have my sister explain herself wholly, regardless her level of guilt."

Circe couldn't help but scoff lightly, "Then that would be the first time you bothered to listen to an explanation."

His white eyes snapped to hers before darting away again. To her surprise, he studiously ignored her remark and instead began to speak. As he did so, pieces of the mystery that still shrouded much of Circe's knowledge of the magical world slowly began to fit together. Although her worry for Obsidian lingered in the back of her mind at the same time, she could not help the sense of relief she felt at finally being told a portion of the truth.
Finally, finally she could begin to understand. And once she understood she would go forth and act fully, without fear or ignorance to bind her.

"Ever since I was born, I have only known my sister to be angry. She has never attempted to hide it, always unashamedly presenting herself to the world with her rage slung over her shoulders like a burning flag. Obviously, the events that caused this occurred before I was born, so I do not speak from experience, however I have been told, mostly by my Mother, that Aranel did not always carry this hatred within her.

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