Daddy chimed in go for the throat

Start from the beginning

"Why not?"  Jackson asked again. 

"I'm perfectly fine with my life right now,"  I told him, shoving him away from me. 

"Lucky you Roman,"  Jackson growled.  "With your perfect life and the perfect family and the perfect love life.  With everything you've ever wanted dumped at your feet.  Getting everything you want and more.  Getting to be the best at everything.  Getting to be the king."

"Woah, Jackson, calm down,"  I said.  "This...this is getting kinda weird...and all that's not true."

Jackson grabbed my roughly by my jacket and shoved me into the brick wall.  I dropped my grocery bags, letting out a huff of surprise. 

I punched him hard across the face.  Jackson stumbled back with a crazed laugh.  A bead of blood dripped down from his nose.

Jackson charged me and I turned quickly to let him slam into he wall.  Jackson grabbed me again and punched me.

I grabbed his neck and pushed him back into the wall.  There was a strange look in Jackson's eyes.

"Why do you like Virgil, if you're gonna be a faggot, at least date a better guy,"  Jackson whispered, an sad but longing look in his eyes.

"What the hell do you mean?"  I asked. 

But instead of getting a response.  Jackson kissed me. 


Virgil POV
I headed down the street towards the grocery store. Roman's Mom sent me after him since he forgot his phone and now she needed more flour.

Also because he was running late anyways. He should've been back home fifteen minutes ago.

It was sunny earlier, but clouds were beginning to appear on the horizon. The cold would come back, promising more snow and cold, cloudy days. The best type of weather.

I was about to pass by an unkept alley but the sound of kissing stopped me. I peeked around the corner to look into the alley but instantly regretted it.

Roman was standing there, kissing Jackson.

A strange feeling filled me. It wasn't rage but it wasn't sadness either. But it was definitely pain.

I felt tears in my eyes and my breathing hitched. Pure pain settled in my heart. Followed by a burning rage and hatred for Roman and Jackson. But was then overrided by sadness and a strong wave of depression.

Roman cheated on me. He is cheating on me. With Jackson. My bully.

I turned quickly, a little too quickly. I stumbled, my vision blurry from the tears in my eyes.

I placed a hand against my mouth, trying to keep quiet. I just ran. I ran as far and as fast as I could. I wanted to get as far away as possible.

But I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I ran into two people. Practically running them over.

A person was talking to me but I couldn't hear anything. My ears were ringing and my heart was pounding. I gasped for breath as the panic attack set in.

The same person sat me down on a bench, gently trying to coax me to take deep breaths. I recognized the voice but couldn't put the voice to a name or face.

"Virgil," The person said, rubbing my back gently. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

I looked up finally, my vision still slightly blurry. But I could clearly see the concerned faces of Patton and Emile.

"Just keep taking deep breaths," Emile told me. Counting seconds for me to follow.

Patton sat down on the bench next to me in a comforting manner while Emile stayed in front of me. He held my hands while trying to gently coax me to breath.

When I finally calmed down, I just silently cried into Patton's shoulder. I didn't want to accept it, but my eyes weren't lying to me.

Emile sat down at my other side, stilling holding my hands. Well, it was more of me refusing to let go of him.

"Virgil what's wrong," Patton asked again.

"Roman," I whispered.

"What did he do?" Emile asked.

"He was kissing Jackson," I mumbled. "They were making out in the alley near the grocery store."

Both Patton and Emile gasped in shock. But then Patton threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry Virgil," Patton told me.

Emile copied Patton and hugged me tightly. But then as they comforted me, I couldn't get over the pure pain I was in.

Roman cheated on me with Jackson.

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