Chapter 10 - Fighting For Nothing

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

Fighting for Nothing - Meg & Dia

Welcome to Impulse from the To Build A Home Series!

Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to this story!

Oh..Hey. Long time coming, I know, but a much-needed break was taken and get ready to be getting regular updates in 2020 to finish this book out! I wanted to give a little holiday gift for you all and wondered why the hell not just upload a new chapter. So Happy Holidays and thanks for sticking with me. Here we go!


Fighting for Nothing

But these things take time, love

These things take backbone

And they'll tell you what you want to hear

'Cause they think it's better

But you better know how to point out the liars

You've got to weigh your wars

Make sure you're not fighting for nothing

March 2013

Becca sat in the lobby, fingers flipping through the magazine that was placed on the small table around a group of chairs. The issue of Time Magazine that sat in her hands was months old, but it didn't mind her. Her hazel eyes didn't read any of the words, just stared while her imagination played itself raw in her mind. She looked up and gave everyone a smile as they passed by, but noticing it wasn't who she knew, would look back down at the glossy pages. The retirement home was busier than she had ever seen it during her visits in the past, but she wanted to make sure Steve was able to visit Peggy one more time before they headed back to New York that afternoon.

It had been a long week in DC with meetings, the press conference, and even finding an apartment complex the two would be moving into. Just a floor would be separating the duo in a months' time, but now they had to head back to New York and to pack their belongings in a truck. Becca wasn't ready to call this city her new home, but the selfish side of her was beyond happy that Steve threw himself into this plan alongside of her.


Said girl's head shot up, finding Steve standing just at the base of the grand staircase. His voice was soft, but she heard it loud and clear, had been listening for it for a good hour. But instead of having his coat in hand ready for them to leave, he was gesturing her over with said hand. The magazine dropped back onto the cherry wood table, grabbing her own coat from the seat next to her before rushing to his side.

"What's up?"

"Peggy wanted to see you before we left." His hand found the small of her back as he gently guided her in front of him up the stairs.

Her eyebrows tucked towards each other, not sure of the odd request. "Why?" She hadn't seen Peggy since the very first visit that she had brought him there the year before.

"I mentioned that you were waiting, and she insisted that I don't leave a lady waiting around for me." There was almost a scoff to his voice, that brought a mild chuckle to Becca's tongue. "Yes, find my pain amusing."

Impulse (S.R) Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant