Chapter 4 - Circles

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

Circles - Pierce the Veil

Welcome to Impulse from the To Build A Home Series!

Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to this story!

Captain Marvel is my new favorite thing and Endgame is giving me great amount of feels.

Let's see how much I can get out of this story before April 26th, fingers crossed!



You took my hand and then we both started running

Both started running, there's no place to go

Another bullet and we both started running

Both started running too

Save yourself, don't ever look back

Nowhere to go and so we both spin around in circles

December 23, 2012

"Are you a part of the Avengers?"

Becca looked away from the mirror to see Harley standing in the bathroom doorway that use to once be almost closed. "I'm sure your mother told you not to barge into a room when the door is closed."

The young boy shrugged, "It was open a crack. You could have locked it."

"Touché." She turned back to her job at hand of minimizing the cuts along her face.

"So..." he leaned against the doorframe, "are you an Avenger?"

"What do you think?"

"I think that you are but it's safer for you to act like you aren't."

This answer regained her full attention. "And why's that?"

Harley shrugged, "Cause you're only human. Like you don't have a cool suit or superhuman powers, n-n-not that you need any of those things to be cool!" He stammered through the end at seeing an eyebrow raise, not wanting to offend her either way. It was just an observation he had. "I just assume it must run in the family. If my dad was Iron Man, I would so want to fight with him."

She closed the cap on the concealer she found in the drawer and turned to lean her hip against the counter. "Solid Theory. Honestly, the best one I've heard yet, and there has been thousands of so-called answers on it."

"Thanks," he smiled wide, "I'm one of the top students in my class."

"I have no doubt about that," Becca gave him her own smile. "You said your dad isn't around anymore?"

The smile dropped and instead was replaced by a seldom frown. "He ran off a few years ago. Haven't heard from him since."

"It's just your mom and sister with you?"

"Yeah," Harley agreed, "Mom has been working doubles at the diner this week so she can be home with us on Christmas."

"And you look up to your mom?"

"Absolutely! She's awesome!"

"And you try to help her out around the house?"

"Yeah, whatever I can do. I'm mostly home alone, 'cause she usually takes my sister to a sitter or daycare when she's not home."

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