Chapter 6 - Heart Beats Here

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

Heart Beat Here - Dashboard Confessional

Welcome to Impulse from the To Build A Home Series!

Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to this story!

In awe over the love that came from the last chapter, hope this can live up to what everyone wants! Because this is the end of Iron Man 3, the trilogy in general, and that's wild for me to think about.

So Endgame happen...twice for myself. I officially have each book planned out. Impulse will obviously end after The Winter Soldier, Book 3 is Age of Ultron & Civil War, and Book 4 is Infinity War & Endgame. That will be the entirety of the series. That is crazy for my to think about cause I feel like we're still only in the beginning of this adventure! But I'm excited for you all to see how I have the rest of this series planned out. Okay, I'm done now..have fun!


Heart Beat Here

Come on home and let yourself heal

You could sleep for a thousand years

I won't let you disappear

Let your heart beat here

You've been running far and wide

Doing what you hope is right

Chasing what you feel inside

I will take your path as mine

December 24, 2012

The wind blew against her face, the salty water easing into her senses. If there still wasn't a taste of dread in the back of her throat she could almost be in a state of peace. Or it was the two neurotic personalities that were fighting back and forth behind her.

"Becca, is this the fastest it goes?"

"Don't tell her to go faster. We have to be safe with commercial and civilian boats around us."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were on a bit of a time crunch."

"It won't help if we don't make it there in one piece."

The young girl cut the steering wheel of the boat back and forth, crashing into the wake on either side, before steering straight again. She could hear both Tony and Rhodey stumbling back and forth, officially getting them both to shut up.

"If either of you question my judgement, next time I'll make sure you're in the water." Becca looked over her shoulder with a steady glare to make her point.

"Noted." Tony nodded, still in the Iron Man suit. "If he's right about the location, we're 20 minutes from where Pepper is."

"But we also have to figure out this Vice President thing, right?" Rhodey asked, tone still uneasy.

"I wonder who I'm calling right now?" Tony held up the speedboat's phone, ringing on speaker. "Oh! That's the Vice President."

Becca rolled her eyes at the common sarcasm, but kept watch on where she was taking them. Trying to get to Pepper's location before night fall. Tony got a hold of a secret service member first before Vice President Rodriguez took the call.

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