Chapter 2 - Words, Hands, Hearts

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

Words, Hands, Hearts - Yellowcard

Welcome to Impulse from the To Build A Home Series!

Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to this story so far!

Just take this chapter away from me! This was uploaded way later than I wanted it to be. But we're here! Have fun?...idk


Words, Hands, Hearts

The whole word is watching with one blank stare
I can just sense this feeling of ill-repair
Like no one's heart is full enough to keep away this fear
And no one's heart is strong enough to fix what happened here

December 20, 2012

"Is this a joke?"


"No, come on, this can't be real."

"You know, I came here for your support."

"And you will fully get it once I'm done letting the ridiculousness sink in."

Steve rolled his eyes, leaning over to grab the papers out of her hand but Becca was a touch quicker, fully jumping up from her chair. She stood on the opposite side of the desk, eyes making quick work of the words on the page. She had seen some ridiculous publicity in her life, but this took the cake. He couldn't watch her go over the papers anymore, feeling anxious at her quiet critiques.

"Detention, well-balanced lunch, safety first... Captain America's Fitness Challenge?! Steve, what is this?" Becca read aloud different headlines on the page, eyes glancing up for a second to see the man in front of her not even looking at her anymore. "Steve?"

"It's nothing." His voice was deep, but all the acknowledgement was through those words. His eyes drawn down to his lap.

The tone in his voice had her forgetting the papers for the moment and fulling looking at him. "Steve-"

"Just leave it alone, Rebecca. Forget I even showed it to you."

Becca walked around her desk, sitting on the top inches away from where Steve sat in his chair. She dropped the papers next to her, letting her arms come to cross against her, staring down at him. Wishing he would look up at her so she could read his expression, but he wasn't. Not doing it probably because he knew she could read anyone within a second glance.

"Talk to me." Her voice was soft, the edge gone from earlier immediately. Knowing in her gut that she might have gone too far.

He glanced up at her under his brow before quickly glancing back down. "I still have an image to uphold."

The brunette nodded, immediately knowing what he was saying after the two had a very similar conversation before. Steve knew that coming back and stepping back into the role of Captain America meant people were expecting the apple pie eating, chip off the old block American icon that knocked out Hitler over 100 times. The guy who sacrificed his own life for the greater good. The epitome of the 'better' times pouring from his brow. Not everything that was Steve Rogers.

"It's your job."

Steve now fully looked up at her now, hearing the confirmation in her voice. "Exactly. And it's not like I'm singing and dancing on stage or acting in a film. It's just a few PSAs for kids in school. That's it. Not too hard."

Impulse (S.R) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now