What Would Have Been

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Oh..hello there. Is she alive? Yes, yes she is. My last update was over 2 years ago, February of 2020. A simple time before the world suddenly collapsed into itself. She was so naive to think the hardest part of that time period was writing the next chapter.

All I wished was to come on here with an update, to get to the good parts that we were so close to! But in all honesty, I fell out of love with this story. I don’t know if it was exhaustion of the Marvel choke hold that had consumed my life for many years, but after the hype of Endgame finally died down, I was exhausted.

I fell out of love with my writing and my heart wasn’t in it anymore.

I no longer was writing this story for myself, I was writing for you all wonderful, amazing readers who truly were my safety net in the deep abyss.

I spent the last two years trying to refind that joy. But every time I opened my previous document with the start of the next chapter, I felt like I was choking. Overwhelmed.

So I’ve decided to end this story, to cleanse myself of this work. But I also wanted to give you all something to finish the story the correct way.

So here was my layout for the entirety of the ‘To Build A Home’ Series:


The starting of the new chapter: 

September 2013

You've never known overreacting to every situation until you have a crush. Every accidental touch, every look, every word that was said to her felt like her body was about to go up in flames. Ever since Becca admitted to herself of her crush on Steve she was slowly but surely losing all her cool. And either Steve was oblivious to her weird persona or didn’t want to ask about it. She was hoping for the first option, because she was trying to push it all away.

It was just a school girl crush that would go away in a few days. Or weeks. Or months at this point. It only helped slightly that he had been off on more missions than usual and she had been busy with meetings and pressers. Becca could forget about the situation until he would show up after a few days away, leaning against her office door frame, with a sleepy smile and the urge to get her away from these walls for a few hours. Or when they would sit peacefully in his or her apartment, with Steve drawing and her reading, in between make believe arguments of who got to play their music. Those were the worst times because she could get sucked into watching him block out his surroundings except for the piece of art he was working on in front of him. She never got to see what was in the book she had given him a year ago, but it didn’t matter because her hazel eyes traced his arm with the way his muscles would stretch with his tiny movements. And that’s about the time she remembered what she was doing and quickly got up to get some water.

Besides Eve clearly figuring it out before even herself, no one else knew. Natasha was suspicious, but she had also been joking that they would make such a cute, old married couple since day one. But what she didn’t know was that Natasha might have been laying groundwork on seeing if Steve truly did feel something for the brunette. She could see the way the two just relaxed around each other, something she had only ever seen before between Clint and Laura. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to stir the pot a bit, hopefully to get Becca to tell her the truth.

Like she was at this very moment, boots kicked up on the corner of Becca’s desk as she sat on the one side with Steve next to her and Becca searching for something on her computer from the other.

Impulse (S.R) Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant