Chapter 9 - I Of The Storm

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

I Of The Storm - Of Monsters and Men

Welcome to Impulse from the To Build A Home Series!

Thanks  everyone that reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to this story!

Real Talk, I love this chapter! We're taking steps into a new path of Becca, but also talking more about her past. And I'm just really excited for what's to come!


I Of The Storm

If I could face them

If I could make amends

With all my shadows

I'd bow my head

And welcome them

But I feel it burning

Like when the winter wind

Stops my breathing

February 2013

Becca rolled the dice against the board, knowing her fate was grim but secretly was having too much fun to care.

"Okay, that's a 5, which means," the young boy across from her moved her Monopoly piece across the square board, "Oh! You owe me $350, please."

Cooper Barton held his palm out towards her, sly smile across his face that he truly got from his father. She rolled her eyes dramatically, and made a deal out of counting out the money from her depleting funds left on her side of the board. The large kitchen table had been sectioned off for most of the weekend for the game play with the four members of the Barton family and their addition of Becca. Lila, the youngest family member, would hop from person to person's team, depending who was winning at that time.

Clint was the first person to go bankrupt, something no one would let him go on. Laura was next, but Becca could tell she was giving up, ready to be done with the 2 day long board game. It was left with Cooper and Becca, Lila had unwillingly been forced to go to bed about an hour before. The clock was slowly edging towards the 9 o'clock position that Sunday night, and Becca wasn't even trying anymore knowing the boy's bedtime was upon them.

"I think you cheat." Becca tugged the sleeves of her hoodie over her palms.

"How?" Cooper rolled the dice from himself, moving his own piece to 'Visit Jail'. "You're the banker."

"Probably stole some money when I went to the bathroom earlier."

"You're crazy." He drank the remaining of his orange juice in the cup.

"Hey, what did I tell you about saying someone's crazy?" Clint spoke up, rounding the corner from the living room at hearing his son. Laura a step behind him.

"Never tell it to their face."


Laura and Becca both rolling their eyes at his comment, the two women having very similar personalities.

"Alright Coop, time for bed." Laura stood behind her son's chair, running fingers through his hair.

"But Mom-"

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