
46 3 0

11:56 PM

"just hold on, don't lose control."

we refuse to believe that at the end of life, there is an endless pit of nothingness, a never ending void of darkness. and so we seek comfort in the existence of life after death, in the idea that perhaps all we do while we're alive isn't for nothing. we rely on this to ease the pain of loss in the hopes that we are never just 'gone.' the unknown is what we fear the most. not death, but the uncertainty of what awaits afterwards. but does anything truly await us? or do we just live to die? is the supposed 'white light' just a figment of our imaginations constructed by our desperations and hope? just chemical reactions occurring as the brain shuts down, creating a light we deem to hold life? when we die, does it just end? is that all we lived to do?

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