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12:09 AM

"don't get attached to me, because i'll break your heart."

you know when you meet someone who you think you actually have a future with? they say it's one of the best feelings in the world. you genuinely are happy, and it's as if you're on cloud 9. everything is perfect, right? wrong. what they didn't mention was that when everything took a turn, it hurts so bad that it feels like your world comes crashing down. they didn't say that as time goes on their replies get shorter and shorter, while they're getting longer with someone else. why didn't they mention that part? why couldn't i be good enough for him? am i that hard to love? i wasn't sad. i'd say i was a decently happy person. that is until i met you. we talked for four months. you said you wanted to be with me. you said you've never been this happy before. was everything a joke to you? did your ex hurt you that bad that you had to stoop so low to feel better about yourself? i would've understood if you told me you didn't want a relationship. i would've been understanding and got that you didn't fuck with relationships. but you spent FOUR months making me believe we could have been something. you cut it off with me, and told me it wasn't me, you just didn't want a relationship because your ex cheated on you and you haven't moved on yet. the next day, you post another girl on your story. my world came crashing down and my heart dropped. do you know how much that hurt? the BEST part about all of this is that your new girlfriend you posted wasn't your ex. she was your best friend. thank you. thank you so much for fucking me over and making me seem like i mean nothing and i deserved to be treated like that. we were never official, so you say my feelings are invalid, that i don't get to act this way. you have never been so wrong. maybe we weren't official, but you took four months of my life that i'll never get back. you basically did to me what your ex did to you. i KNOW you know how that felt. yet you had it in you to do it to someone else. you knew how hard it was for me to trust others, and i let you in. you ruined so much for me. but, at least i know now. i hope none of you ever experience this. it hurts so much, words can't fathom my feelings. you all are worth so much, don't ever let anyone try making you believe you're anything less. you are good enough. you are capable of being loved. no one is to say you aren't. do not let them destroy you. you are so so much stronger than that.

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