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Abel was missing Selena who was gone so that she could promote her album. He was missing her terribly. His friends would try to get him out of the house but he didn't want to be anywhere but with Selena. He had to be leaving soon so that he could promote Heartless and Blinding Lights he had a few bags packed. Lamar came over to keep him company. "So Selena, huh?" Lamar was very disappointed in Selena when they broke up. He didn't think she would treat Abel that way so he was affected by the break up more than anybody else in the crew. "Yeah bro, we are back together. What can I say? I love her" Lamar knew it was going to happen eventually. He knows how in love they were and never seen Abel act the way he does with Selena with anyone else.

"I'm happy for you" Lamar admitted which surprised Abel. "You are?" Lamar nodded "yeah man I'm happy if you're happy. I just hope she doesn't fuck your heart up again. That shit hurt to see you hurting. You're family, you already knew this. When you're hurt, I'm hurt. That's how it goes bro. Don't worry about what Sal and anybody else has got to say about her. It's your relationship, they don't have to like it. Fuck them."  Abel was so relieved to know that someone wasn't being negative towards her especially his best friend. "Thanks bro. This means a lot for real. I swear me and Selena have a lot of things to fix but we'll get through it. I know she's the one and I can't let her go this time. I would be so fucking stupid if I was to do so." Lamar was proud of Abel and could tell Selena has a huge impact on him. He was a lot happier just like he was 2 years ago. "What about Bella though? Bro you know she's going to want you back." Abel sighed not really want to talk about Bell. "Bro she already does. I keep forgetting to change my damn number but she calls and texts me constantly. I feel bad a little for how things ended, I should've did it in a much respectful way but it is what it is. I'm surprised she's trying to reach out after how harsh I was towards her."

"Bro it's because Bella is in love with you and would do anything in the world for you and before you get offensive, Selena is the same way. You have two good women who wants to love you, you just have to figure out who's the best one for you. It's easy to say Selena because she came back but it's also easy to say Bella who has never left. I know your intention is to not hurt anybody but if you want to make this work with Selena then you have to get that number changed asap. What if Selena finds out she's still hitting you up?"

Abel remembered his conversation with Selena him telling her he's blocking her in the early morning but that never happened. Abel doesn't want to cut her completely off because he feels like him and Bella could at least be friends. "I don't think it's really necessary. We can be friends, you know?" Lamar shook his head disagreeing with Abel. "If you don't put a stop to her hitting you up then their will be a problem in your relationship with Selena. You think Bella doesn't know about you being with Selena? If she doesn't know you're together she for damn sure know that you're in contact so get your shit together bro. Don't lose someone who your heart graves for someone who your dick craves."

Abel hates how right Lamar is but he really didn't want to cut her out of his life completely. He felt like he had a hard decision to make. "Bro you don't understand I have things that Bella could expose." Lamar was confused. "What things?" Abel sighed "things that could ruin my relationship with Selena before it takes off. Nudes..." Lamar was shocked that Abel would even allow her to have them. "Bro you don't give your nudes to any female. Have you learned your lesson from all the people who's being exposed? You need to tell her that you need her to delete them" Lamar insisted. "Like she'll actually do that. Bro I can't cut her off completely I'm trying to stay on her good side. Bella could be shady at times you know this bro. If I was to block her or change my number she'll fucking expose me. She won't do it herself but she'll have someone else do it and I don't have time to have Selena disappointed in me so I'm just gonna be casual about this."


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