Smoke the Pain Away

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Selena heard the rumors. She's wasn't pretty fond about rumors. But then she seen the videos, she seen the pictures, it was official.... Abel reconciled his relationship with Bella. She was so disappointed in herself. She was so confused. Was he doing this because he actually loved Bella? Or is this him trying to make her jealous? She was definitely jealous. She knew she had to stay off social media so that she could avoid seeing anything Abella related. The more she thought about Abel being back with Bella, the more she hated Justin.

"What the fuck? No.. Absolutely fucking not. I hate him." Selena barked at Caroline who told her that Justin called for her. "I want his number blocked. Actually fuck that, I want my number changed because blocking his number won't help me when he'll still have my number." Selena was so frustrated with everything going on in her life. "Selena just hear him out he—" Selena cut her off "—can go to hell. I hate him, I hate him so much. I'm glad he left me because it just shows how stupid I was to ever think he'd change." Most of Selena's friends loved Selena with Abel the most because he treated her like a Queen. But the Connar sisters loved her with Justin more.

"What do you have against Abel? Huh? Because he's black?" Selena raised an eyebrow. "Canadian" Caroline told her. "Canadian?" Selena scoff. "Open your eyes Caroline. He's Canadian but a sexy black Canadian." Selena said it with a smirk. "But that bothers you huh Caroline? You hated Obama, you voted for Trump" Selena shook her head as she pursed her lips together before continuing. "and supporting him to the end I'm started to wonder, are you racist?" Caroline was furious. "How dare you speak to me that way. I'm your friend. Aren't you Latina or did you forget about it?"

Francia was invited over by Selena. Selena gave her code to the gate to her closest friends and family. Francia walked in the house hearing Selena and Caroline argue. Tension was built up between them which caused Francia to ask her to leave. "Aren't you a guest? How can you ask me to leave?" Caroline rolled her eyes. "Because she's part of me, so now go." Selena said as she stood in front of Francia. "I thought we were friends?" Caroline asked. "We are so be a good friend and walk out that door" Selena pointed at the door. Caroline turned and walked to the door mumbling words underneath her breath. "Close that door behind you and don't slam it either" Selena said before Caroline left.

"You good?" Francia asked Selena. "I'm good" Selena hugged her. "Thank you for coming" Selena said before pulling away from the hug. "Thank you for inviting me over. Want to tell me what was that all about?" Selena tried to act clueless. "What?" Francia twisted her face before speaking. "Don't what me. What was that between you and Caroline?" Selena sighed and told her what happened. "You've been talking a lot about him lately. He's a great guy and I know you miss him but you need to focus on Selena right now. Give her the love that she deserves. She's not fully healed right now."

Selena's POV

After Francia left I had the house all for myself

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After Francia left I had the house all for myself. Normally I would've asked her to stay but I needed "me time" and by that I mean.....

Selena inhaled as she slowly moved the joint back away from her mouth. She slowly exhaled seeing the smoke go off into a distance getting into her a face a little which caused her to laugh to herself which turned into a cough attack. Selena doesn't smoke marijuana but she needed something to get her mind off of things. She was high and drunk off of tequila shots.

"Selena what are you doing?" Selena slowly looked up feeling everything on the side of her moving all types of directions. "A-Abel" she said as she saw him standing at the door. "Selena what are you doing? Is that a joint?" Selena wasn't sure if she was high or really seeing him. She looked at her joint a bit confused before putting it into her mouth to take another hit but she stopped as she saw Abel staring at her. "Selena this isn't you. You don't smoke marijuana." Selena looked at him for a few moments before arching her head back as she started to laugh. "What's funny?" Selena's eyes kept shutting but she forced them to open back up as she kept smiling each time she opened them. "You...." she slurred her words. "You funny. You make me laugh and mm... I'm so horny right now baby. You don't need Bella you need me." Selena arched her back as she leaned her head back biting her lip and gripping the crotch of her pants. "I feel it coming"

Francia's POV

Selena told me how she had to use the bathroom

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Selena told me how she had to use the bathroom. She didn't tell me she'd be gone for an hour. I thought she fell asleep on me. When I went to check her she had a marijuana joint in her hand sitting on the floor of her bathroom. She was far gone. Not only she was smoking but she had a shot glass and a bottle of tequila besides her on the floor. I was worried and wondering what the hell was she doing. Then she called me Abel. She definitely was having hallucinations.

"I'm so hungry" she laughed. "I'll feed you once you get up." Selena leaned her hands back on the floor as she looked up at her friend who she thinks is Abel. "How about I eat you?" Francia shook her head before walking over and standing behind her. "Okay up we go" Francia tried to lift her up but she was holding drunk weight which made it difficult for Francia to lift her. "Fuck Selena." Selena was trying to kiss her and take her top off. "Abel I love you. I love you, I really do." she slurred her words. "Oh no you don't! Just because we are apart of each other now doesn't mean you need to be way too comfortable. Chill! And I'm not Abel!!" Selena pulled Francia on top of her. "Oh God no. Sel, please don't..." Francia shut her eyes tight thinking Sel was going to kiss her but instead her head crashed down onto her chest as she was fast asleep. "Sel?" Francia slowly got off of her seeing her friend was sleeping. Francia sat up placing her hand against her forehead before looking down at Selena. "You are too much. You never need to smoke, ever again. Also you don't need anymore tequila." Francia grabbed the joint and tossed it in the toilet before flushing it. She grabbed the bottle and glass before standing up.

After hiding the alcohol and shot glass, Francia grabbed two pillows and a blanket. She lifted Selena's head up and slid the pillow underneath her head. She then covered her up before laying down on the carpet next to her. "Love you Sel. I promise the pain will go away soon." She kissed her friends cheek before closing her eyes.


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