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"I want to take you somewhere" Abel wasn't sure about that because of the paparazzi. "I don't know.. the paparazzi would find us. I don't need anymore drama in my life" she shook her head and explained to him that she grabbed Raquelle's car who has tinted windows and that she has never been out in public with it because they're always taking her BMW. "They won't find us. We can go... but only if you want to." Abel was highly unsure but he knows Lamar wasn't pretty fond of her and he didn't want to make things awkward so he decided to go.

Abel sat in the passenger seat as Selena was taking the wheel. She was focused on the road while he stared out the window. Abel glanced over at her seeing her wearing a all black hoodie with black leggings and her black puma shoes. "So where are you taking me?"  She told him it was a surprise and for him to enjoy the ride. "I'm supposed to trust you?"

"Obviously you do since you got in the car with me." She looked over at him seeing her had no response to that. Selena drove to Malibu beach with Abel confused. "Malibu Beach? Are you crazy? The paparazzi might not bust us but the cops will. What are you up to Selena" Selena cut the car off as she opened the door and got out. "Is she crazy?" He watched her walk around the car and open his door. "Selena I want to go home. We could've talked in the garage or something. This isn't safe.." he saw that she wasn't going to listen to him so he sighed before getting out.

"A friend of mines told me I need to live a little and take risks so that's what I'm doing." They we're walking the beach as Abel was a little tensed and paranoid. "I didn't agree to do this. That friend said that to you not me. You could've done this without me." She chuckled as she stopped them from walking by standing in front of him. "Abel we are not going to get caught. And if we see someone we'll run" Abel was looking at her like she was insane "and leave Raquelle's car?" She shrugged "I'm down if you're down. You said you didn't want to get caught." She shook his head as he walked around her with her laughing. "Dude you need to relax."

"So why did you show up at my place?" He asked her as they walked side by side. "I think you know why but I'll tell you anyway. I know you've been trying to get in touch with me Abel" she looked over at him as he was looking straight ahead. "And I wasn't sure if it was you so I never tried contacting you. When Luka told me everything I didn't really believe him until I saw the news about you two breaking up. By then the number house were texting and calling me from was deleted. So I've been trying to send signals to you through Instagram" Abel looked over at her. He knew it! He knew she was sending him signals. "I'm sorry about the break up by the way" his eyebrows went narrow when he looked over at her. "You're sorry?" She nodded. "Saying you're sorry that we broke up is like me saying sorry about you breaking up with Justin."

"It's not the same. I didn't break up with Justin. He broke up with me. Guess I was a joke to him. He was cheating on me with Hailey the entire time. It's all my fault though. I deserved everything that happened to me" Abel didn't say anything, he just listened. "I felt so miserable the entire time—" she turned around as she saw lights from up the hill. "See you're paranoid too. We shouldn't be here."

"You two get up here!" It was a police officer. "Fuck Selena?! We are about to get arrested. Shit!" Abel placed his hands on top of his head as he was stressing. "No we're not Abel. Just relax, okay? Let me do the talking." Selena and Abel walked back up the hill to the car. "You know this beach is closed right folks?" Selena was nervous but she knew she has to stay calm. "Officer I—" he squinted his eyes. "Wait a minute, are you Selena Gomez?" She gave him a shy smile as she nodded. "I am. I just don't ever get any alone time from the paparazzi... I wanted to take—" Selena realized the officer doesn't know who Abel is because he didn't mention his name so she wanted to keep it that way "—my friend here for some alone time. We were just talking and enjoying the nice breeze."

Abel was beyond nervous as the officer looked at him. He then looked back at Selena asking if he could have her autograph so that he could give it to his daughter. "Of course you can" the officer handed her his notebook and a pen as she began signing. Afterwards she gave it back to him. "We're not in trouble, are we officer?" He shook his head "not at all. Ms. Gomez I see how the paparazzi are with you and many other celebrities so I understand you wanting privacy but you just can't do it here. Some other officer probably wouldn't have been so understanding." She nodded to agree with him "I appreciate it Officer James, I promise we are just leaving right now." He gave her a nod before telling them to have a good night and telling Abel that he's lucky to have her as a friend. Selena tried not to burst out laughing because she thought it was hilarious that he doesn't know who Abel was.

"How the fuck did he not know me?" She laughed as she was driving again. "What's funny?" Abel was a little offended. "Nothing. Nothing" she tried keeping a straight face but failed as she started laughing again. "Selena stop that. You're going to crash us." She was laughing which made him crack a smile. "It's not funny" she looked over at him laughing as he shook his head as he chuckled. "So where are you taking me now?" She looked over at him. "Don't want to go home now? Want to experience life with me?" He chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "Just tell me"


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