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I'm so sorry for the wait!! I just finished finals and needed a few days to catch up on the sleep I lost that week. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Deku/Takayo's POV

We got back to aizawa's house and I quickly unloaded everything I bought and stuffed it in my room. "Hey deku, if you want Takayo to be your new legal name the I can definitely make some arrangements to get it legalized as soon as possible." Aizawa said from across the room.

"Really! Thank you so much aizawa!" Deku was so happy she hugged him on the spot. She pulled away when aizawa notices she might be late to meet with Uraraka if she didn't leave now. "Oh right! Bye aizawa! See you in a bit!" She called out to him while sprinting outside and towards U.A. 

        When she got to the gate In front of U.A. she saw Uraraka and ran over to meet her. "Hey Uraraka!" She yelled at her friend, hoping she would recognize her.

"Deku!" Uraraka was in tears they ran towards each other and hugged for what seemed like an eternity. When the pulled away they both were blushing, but they quickly laughed it off.

"Um, what are you wearing deku?" Uraraka was confused but knew deku always had a reason for everything he did so she let him explain.

"Well that's kinda why I wanted to talk to you, y-you see I-I'm a girl. I'm transgender uraraka." Deku looked up expecting to see someone laughing or looking sad, but she saw a beautiful smile emanating from her best friend the likes of which she had never seen before. Uraraka hugged deku tears pouring down her face.

"Thank you so much for telling me, and remember I'll always be your friend no matter what." Seeing deku blush made her giggle and they ended up both spending the next two minutes struggling to breathe due to they're laughter.

"Oh my gosh can we have sleepovers now!!" Ochako asked grinning ear to ear. Then she noticed Deku's expression change. "I'd love to, but if we did I can't be where I live." Deku muttered sadly. "Why not deku?" Uraraka asked, afraid of what the answer might be. "Well I'm living with aizawa now, and something tells me he wouldn't want a group of teens from his class interrupting the time he actually gets to himself. Uraraka was speechless after a long awkward silence he asked "why are you staying with aizawa?" She was hoping she'd get an innocent answer, but that's not what happened. "Oh ...well my parents kicked me out after they found out I was trans." When deku said that she sounded broken, but determined, which confused uraraka a bit.

"I'm so sorry deku! You're always free to stay at my house whenever you want!" They were both in tears when uraraka said this, and eventually spent the next 6 minutes hugging. When they pulled away uraraka was the first to speak up. "Deku are you going to tell the rest of the class?" Ochako was hoping she would but didn't want to rush anything since it wasn't her decision.

"I was planning on saying something at the bus tomorrow but I might just sent a text to the 1A group chat." Deku muttered.

"I've got an idea deku! What if I help you come out by showing them how beautiful you look right now!" Deku nodded blushing like crazy.

        Ochako spent the next two minutes taking the perfect selfie with deku.

~ Class 1A Group Chat ~


(Not my art btw)I fucking love my trans bestie Takayo!!

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(Not my art btw)
I fucking love my trans bestie Takayo!!

Deku: I love you too Ochako!

Todoroki: thank you for telling us Takayo. I know we all FULLY support you and if you ever need anything we are here.

Iida: I thank you for your bravery Takayo and I want you to know everyone is huddled around Todoroki's phone and they all had a part to play in that message (with the exception of Mineta)

Bakugo: deku just know I will murder anyone who is rude to you.

Deku: thanks everyone!

Momo: ...... wait a minute

Kyoka: you completely tricked us Deku

Momo: wait are you actually related to Ragdoll?

Deku: well ...yes and no.

Ochako: I have missed something

Kyoka: ok so I was at the mall with momo, and we were mainly just browsing because we had no idea what to do today

Bakugo: get to the point

Kyoka: basically we ran into Ragdoll and Deku at the mall, except we didn't know it was Deku, because right when we walked up to them Ragdoll called Deku her little sister

Deku: yea that's basically what happened

Tsuyu: lol

Aoyama: sparkles for Takayo!

~ Kirishima named the chat "Sparkles for Takayo!"

Denki: yes

Tokoyami: I approve of this name

Mina: so deku are you related to Ragdoll?

Deku: well not by blood

Deku: I'd say she's basically my sister

Bakugo: that's fucking adorable

Iida: Bakugo language!


Eijirou: aww calm down bakubabe. I was just messing around

Shoji: we all support you Takayo and I hope you never forget that

Sero: with the possible exception of Mineta mainly because we have no idea where he is

Koda: Sato is baking a cake for you Takayo

Deku: really! Thanks Sato

Deku: tell him to make it big enough for the entire class

Toru: yay!

Iida: cake aside we all cherish and support you Takayo and we will help you in any way you need us to!

Deku: thanks guys

Ochako: awww she's crying

Mina: I so ship those two

Deku/Ochako: W H A T

Toru: Hah their reactions were the exact same!

Iida: I'm glad everyone is bonding but we should be preparing for tomorrow so get off your phones and get ready for tomorrow!

Momo: he's right I guess

Todoroki: yea

Deku: See ya tomorrow

Tsuyu: oh yea deku is there any issue with the dorms you need sorted out because we can help with that if you want

Deku: no need aizawa's got it covered

Deku: but thanks for the offer

Deku: bye

Everyone else: bye!

~ 19 people went offline ~

Deku said goodbye to Ochako and started walking back to aizawa's house. Tomorrow was going to be the start of an amazing vacation she thought to herself while walking.

Yay!!! Simi-nice, fully supportive Bakugou! I honestly needed a break from angry Bakugou so I decided to change things. He's not as angry in this mainly because of Kirishima. This has
KiriBaku in it btw. As well as MomoJiro

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