The Mall With Ragdoll

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Thanks to everyone reading this! It makes me so happy to see people reading this! I hope everyone is having a good day and I hope y'all enjoy this part!

3rd POV

Deku woke up to a volley of texts from Uraraka asking if he was ok. She had been avoiding her because of the fear that she will not accept her, and that she might want to stop being friends which scared deku more than anything before. She decided she should at least say something to her.

~ Ochako and Deku Chat ~

Deku: hi uraraka

Deku: i just wanted to let you im ok

Ochako: wtf deku why didn't you text me sooner

Ochako: i was really worried

Deku: im sorry a lots happened

Ochako: do you want to talk about it?

Deku: sure, but id feel better if we met in person

Deku: can we meet at UA at 5:00

Ochako: yea that sounds great

Deku: i'm sorry i didn't respond before now Uraraka

Ochako: it's alright, besides knowing you're ok is enough for me!

Deku: cool

Ochako: see you later then!

Deku: right!

~ two people have gone offline ~

Deku knew she had to say something eventually and right now Uraraka was the only person she felt comfortable telling.

Deku pulled herself off the bed and opened her closet door only to find a pair of clothes and a sticky note attached to them. Deku took the sticky note in her hand and decided it'd probably be best if she read it.

Hi deku! I just wanted to show my appreciation and give you a gift for having the courage to be who you are. These are just some casual clothes to help you feel comfortable, and don't worry, everything was sized correctly ;)

- from , Midnight

Deku couldn't stop from blushing when she read the note. She was being accepted by the people around her and that is giving her the confidence to be who she is. She looks at the clothes and smiles. Its overall a pretty casual look that wouldn't really draw any attention. She grabbed the clothes and just stared for a bit. She was holding an entire outfit, but what she really cared about was how low-key the outfit was. She put on the clothes, practically giddy from excitement. She looked in the mirror and smiled. She was wearing a new pair of red shoes, some grey socks, a pair of skinny jeans, and a loose long sleeve t shirt. While walking out of the room she saw a gift in the corner of her room. Curious, she walked over and picked it up. There was a tag that read,

"I'm really happy you're finally showing people the gorgeous warrior princess inside deku!

- From Mt. Lady."

she opened the gift only to find a mass of makeup which was all colors specifically bought for her skin tone. Deku almost fainted from pure joy. She had some practice because of an insane amount of videos she watched and a bored Ochako asking if she could teach deku the best way to put on makeup. She ran downstairs only to find aizawa cooking breakfast.

"Morning deku!" he said cheerfully.

"Good morning aizawa!" Deku was quite happy and that happiness turned to pure joy when aizawa handed her a plate of eggs and toast for breakfast.

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