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thanks so much for the 49 views!! I'll try to update more frequently but finals are coming up so I've been a bit busy, but thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Sorry if it's bad I really wanted to get another chapter out for y'all.

Class 1A does not know about Deku's Transition yet so I'm going to use he/him whenever they are talking about Deku until they figure it out because it would be confusing otherwise 

it pains me to do that but I need to for the story to make sense.


3rd POV

Aizawa took deku to his house and set up a room for her to stay in until the dorms are built. She thanks him and hurries to bed. Aizawa called ragdoll because he believed her calming nature could help deku, and with deku's permission told her about everything that had happened. He ended up saying that it'd be a great help if she could go shopping to pick out some clothes that deku feels comfortable in. Ragdoll was ecstatic about the idea and that just made deku even more nervous about the day to come.

POV Ochako

It was the day before the trip and Ochako decided to go shopping for a present to give to Deku tomorrow. She hasn't heard back from him which worries her even more.

~ Girls of Class 1A Group Chat ~

Ochako: has anyone heard from deku

Ochako: im really worried about him

Mina: ohh this sounds like love :)

Kyoka: maybe ;)

Ochako: :0

Ochako: H-h-hes j-just a fr-friend thats a-all!

Tsuyu: guys don't but in on her love life, besides she's concerned for her friend right now so we should acknowledge that

Ochako: thank you

Ochako: has anyone seen him though

Momo: i haven't

Toru: i haven't either

Kyoka: same

Tsuyu: same

Mina: I also haven't seen him

Ochako: where is he then?

Momo: if he isn't responding to you then ask aizawa

Mina: he did find deku right?

Ochako: yea he did, it's just that it's aizawa and he'll probably not give me a straight answer

Kyoka: why not add him to the chat temporarily then

Kyoka: it'd be easier for all of us to ask, and he might be more likely to answer because there are more of us

Tsuyu: that's a pretty good idea

Toru: yea! Let's do it!

~ Ochako added Aizawa to the chat ~

Aizawa: what do you want

Ochako: we were wondering if you could let us know how deku's doing

Aizawa: deku's doing well

Mina: good

Kyoka: do you know where he is

Momo: we wanted to surprise him

Toru: yea

Aizawa: im sorry but all im allowed to say right now is that deku is ok and she will be joining the rest of the class on the trip

Aizawa: *he

Aizawa: typo

~ Aizawa has left the chat ~

Momo: that was odd

Ochako: at least we know deku's ok

Tsuyu: did anyone notice he referred to deku as she

Mina: OMG you're right!


Momo: calm down everyone he said it was just a typo

Kyoka: oh yea, she's right

Mina: aw man!

Tsuyu: if only deku was a girl

Toru: that would be sooo cool!

Ochako: I still can't shake the feeling that something happened and aizawa is covering for deku

Mina: nah!

Toru: your reading too much into things

Ochako: yea you're probably right

Tsuyu: well i've got to sleep

Momo: yea we should all go to sleep now anyway

Tsuyu: good night everyone!

Mina: night!

Kyoka! Good night!

Toru: night!

Ochako: night

~ six people have gone offline ~

Ochako hoped deku was doing well, and wondered if there really was something aizawa was trying to cover up that involved deku. She pushed the thought aside and fell asleep, still grasping onto her phone.


533 words

it's a bit shorter than my last one but i hope you enjoyed! I'll update a bit more frequently if I can! stay safe everyone, and remember PLUS ULTRA!!!!

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