Problem Child

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Warning! Harsh slurs and swearing in this chapter! If by some chance your reading my shitty excuse of a fanfic than thanks! I hope you enjoy!

3rd POV

    It was the day of class 1A's long awaited vacation. When Aizawa told them about the week long getaway, everyone was so excited, that Vlad King had to come in and yell at them for being too loud, but when Midorya didn't arrive, aizawa knew something was wrong. He told Small Might to stay with the rest, and headed to midorya's house.
    When he arrived at the midorya's doorstep, he was surprised to see boxes full of what looked like All Might memorabilia that was all ripped and torn apart. He knocked, and was surprised to see a middle aged man with messy green hair standing at the door.

"What do you want!" the man said with a growl, emitting flames from his mouth as he spat the words.

"I'm here for izuku, he was supposed to be at school by now but he hasn't shown up, which isn't like him so i came to check on him and get him to the bus before it leaves." Aizawa said in a kinder voice than he'd liked to have used.

"Izuku, oh yea, that bastard doesn't live here anymore. He said he is a girl. I was so happy to hear that my son had a quirk only to find out he's a fucking tranny! I naturally didn't condone this, and like a reasonable person we offered to take him to therapy to fix him, but the kid ended up running away so we've cut our losses and moved on with our lives." this man spat out every word with an intense fury and disappointment the likes of which aizawa had rarely seen. The guy then tried to slam the door, only to have aizawa to wedge his foot inside to stop it from closing. The man at the door roared in fury and tried to use his quirk, but aizawa had already canceled it.

"I want you to sign over your custody of izuku now. And if you refuse, I'll have no other choice but to arrest you for child abandonment." aizawa's cold dark stare, but relaxed demeanor is what convinced the man.

"Alright. We didn't want the freak anyway so you can go ahead and take him." the man and izuku's mother both signed the papers and slammed the door in aizawa's face. Of all the things that could've happened, this was the most unexpected.

All Might had been talking to uraraka when he got a call from aizawa explaining what happened.

"I can handle the kid, but tell the other students that the trip is being pushed to two days from now, and give them some bogus explanation, we don't want to out her to the entire class. Aizawa said through the phone. 

"Right. Thanks aizawa." All Might muttered. He hung up the phone, hoping izuku was ok.
    Ochako noticed that when all might turned to face the class, he was not smiling. In fact, she could see a small tear rolling down his cheek.

"Everyone, we have rescheduled the trip to leave in two days due to an unforeseen villain attack where we were staying. The trip is not shortened, we are just leaving later" everyone was disappointed but cheered up a bit when they were told they'd have both days off.
Ochako didn't care about the vacation right now.

"All Might!" she shouted as he turned away. "Is deku okay? I overheard you talking with aizawa who went to find him, so is he okay?" all might could hear the fear in ochako's voice.
"Izuku is alive if that's what you're asking, but im sorry but it's not my place to say anything else." all might said with a groan, understanding her fear.

"Ok. sorry for the intrusion." ochako was saddened, but knew she could just ask deku about it so she decided to relax a little and enjoy the day.

Aizawa found deku at Dagobah Municipal Beach, huddled in a mess, crying while subconsciously holding on to the backpack that held her school supplies, and everything else she brought with her. Deku was too busy crying to notice aizawa walk up behind her and hug her.
"It's going to be ok." aizawa's calm demeanor told deku that he already knew about her and that he was ok with it. He held her, calming her down for what seemed like an eternity. He knew she needed to vend so he hugged her until she stopped crying.

"Do... do you know what happened?" deku sniffled.

"I do. I went over to your parents to get you for the vacation, but they told me they kicked you out, and why they did." he explained the situation to her and how he had adopted her so she could still go to UA.

"now that you're basically my daughter, you're going to live with me until the dorm rooms are finished. Is there a specific name I should call you?" aizawa was careful to say everything as slowly as he could to help her cope.
"Ca-can you c-call me deku for now?" she was full on crying from the kindness of her teacher, and spent the next six minutes calming herself down.

"You've got it deku." aizawa responded, smiling "remember that your transition will go at whatever pace you want. Oh yea before i forget!" aizawa pulled out  a schedule and handed it to deku. "This is a work out program designed to make your body look and feel closer to the way you want it, without losing any of your strength! All Might sent it to me right before I found you!" aizawa said happily.

"Th-thank y-you so mu-mu-much!" deku could finally be herself, and she finally felt real happiness in that moment.

1st chapter!
987 words!

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