Counterproductive "Therapy"

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So... I'm back! sorry for the insanely long wait but I am here now so I hope that's a good start. 19.8k fucking views... holy shit. I never thought this frankly awful fanfic I started writing two years ago would attract so many people, it's actually kinda mortifying to see how many people have read this really subpar fanfic. Thank you so much though it brought me so much joy to see that people enjoyed this, and is actually one of the pivotal reasons I came back to this fanfic at all. I know it's not, nor will it ever be the best fanfiction out there, and the writing leaves much to be desired, however I enjoy writing and especially enjoy seeing the comments left here. So many have made me giggle manically. Anyways, I don't really know where this fanfiction will be going, and I'm not the best at writing fluff, but I do want to continue it, and I hope you will bare with whatever the fuck this mess is because hopefully It'll turn out well.


Takayo's POV

'So much has happened to me in the past few days. It feels like it's been simultaneously forever and two seconds, and I really need to unpack everything.' Takayo thinks to herself, while being crowded by the girls in their cabin. It's nice don't get her wrong, but she needs time to think about everything that's happened, especially concerning her mother's reaction, which hit her harder than she'd like to admit. And thanks to growing up with a rage filled Kacchan her entire life she's learned that hitting things tends to be a decent way to let out emotions. The best legal way of doing that was a gym, so that was now her destination.

"I'm gonna go check out the gym you guys. sorry for leaving suddenly, I just need time to think." She says to the group of girls playing Rock Paper Scissors for the top or bottom bunks. She managed to win the first round with paper of all choices, so she chose a bottom bunk near the doorway, and laid out her stuff.

"Oh okay." Ochako replied half heartedly, fully immersed in her game of Rock Paper Scissors, after defeating Jirou with scissors. "Have fun Takayo, and don't go overboard!"

"Right... I'll try my best."  Takayo smiled at the group before exiting, making sure they thought she was as okay as she could be to ensure some semblance of privacy.


As Takayo arrived at the gym she was greeted with a plethora of workout equipment, from punching bags, and treadmills, to elliptical and cardiovascular machines. She was slightly overwhelmed by the aura the room gave off, but didn't pay it much mind and moved straight to the punching bags.

'Fucking hell. I'm so socially drained but still have to think about and deal with shit so I don't blow up at the next person who says something remotely backhanded towards me. This sucks.' Takayo audibly groaned and started wrapping her hands, and prepping a couple replacement sandbags. After a rather nasty chewing out from Recovery Girl when she had gone overboard in the gym and fucked up her hands... again, she decided to start wrapping them to prevent that because Recovery Girl is fucking scary.

Now contrary to popular belief, Takayo isn't an innocent person and really hasn't been for a long time. She tends to lean on people's belief that she's more innocent then she is to avoid losing the few friends she has, because she's not entirely sure how they'd react to knowing she has contingency plans she could put in motion in case they become villains. She has no idea how Bakugou hasn't realized yet because in junior high, he did happen to find her notebook which contained a very graphic description of how severing his hands, effectively made him quirkiness, and how it would be very simple to turn his quirk on himself, seeing as his whole body isn't resistant to his explosions, just his hands. She shrugs to herself and starts laying into the first sandbag, the contact and force of her punches barely grounding her enough to stop her from spiraling into different thoughts.

'Don't get sidetracked Takayo. Fuck I'm too exhausted to think about this stuff but there isn't really a better time to do so.' She sighs and stops hitting the now dented sandbag, and just... thinks. She thinks about how devastated she was to see her parents' reactions to her coming out, and how her mother, who got her through middle school had turned her back on her without a second thought.

"I saw doubt in her eyes though, also hurt, I think. It was hard to tell when I was being kicked out of my fucking house so I'm not sure if it was genuine or not." she muttered to herself. Her muttering has diminished recently, mainly due to her father returning after the sports festival. He hated how obnoxious it was so she quieted down, and forced herself to stop. She still does it at times, and she would never stop because that dirtbag of a father said so, only because she didn't want her mother to be mad at her for disrespecting her father.

Takayo starts punching the sandbag again. Thoughts drifting to the past.

'Why did she let Hisashi come back? That man is a creep and frankly really annoying, any yet he makes her happy? I don't understand it.' The first sandbag goes flying across the room with a rather nasty One For All infused punch, sand leaking out of a large hole.

"Fuck I broke it." She sighs to herself and grabs another one, methodically hooking it up and continuing her "therapy".

Hisashi Midoriya has come home roughly a week after the sports festival, and since she was at her internship with Gran Torino, she was unaware at the time. It was a rather nasty surprise to come back home after the jarring house incident to find him lounging on the couch, beer in hand. He tried to reconnect with her, claiming that he's been away on a trip for a long time, and that he missed her, she knew it was bullshit though, his eyes told a different story. She remembered the screaming, the pain, and the words from when she was younger. She remembered the divorce papers, and the quirkist remarks, before his complete and utter absence from her life, besides the meager child support. She knows he's only back to attempt to gain some form of pathetic notoriety of having a child that goes to UA.

With an anticlimactic ripping sound, she pauses in her movements to see that she had torn a hole into yet another sandbag. She sighs loudly, and rhythmically repeats her previous actions, unchaining the dead sandbag, and putting up a new one.

She began to lose herself in the action of hitting the thing, somewhere along the line imagining Hisashi in the place of the sandbag, whimpering and pleading. He's bloodied and hurt, progressively getting more beat up with each violent hit, but he's not apologizing because he would never fucking apologize no matter how hurt he'd get, because he'll remain on that stupid high horse of his and think he's right no matter what and she want's to wipe that smug grin he has off his face she wants to kill that pathetic excuse of a human being

"Woah Takayo... are you okay?"

So I'm not entirely sure what I want Takayo's final ship to be, I'm partial to anything other than people who are involved in the predetermined ships I already have in motion (momojirou and kiribaku), and was wondering what y'all may want for a ship? I personally think a rare pair would be fun to experiment with, however I'm a multi shipper who's okay with anything as long as it's legal so don't be afraid to give me some ideas! IzuOcha is still one I'm interested in making happen but we will see. Also I may add more to this chapter later because the cliffhanger feels really cheesy and I'm not sure if it's that good. Anyways, thank you all for reading this and especially to those who actually have stuck around to continue from the start because that's kinda wild and I don't understand why you would. I hope you're all having a wonderful day and remember to GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!

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