Not A Yandere?

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Mitsu's POV

Dammit! Kairo found [Y/N] earlier than me.

Fuck, why does the house have to be so damn big.

Akiro's POV
I saw Mitsu hiding from Kairo and [Y/N]. I walked upto him and covered his mouth to avoid him from uttering a word. We talked/whispered and told him that I'm not really a Yandere. He had his doubts but I don't blame him for it.

"Let's start a plan." I hurriedly said
"To get [Y/N] out of here."

"A plan? You serious? And how could I even trust you? You wanted to kill me not a few hours ago."

I shrugged his doubts and continued. "Trust me... Tomorrow midnight. I'll get her and lead her outside so that it wouldnt be suspicious."

I noticed he started to not mind his suspicious thoughts and actually started listening to me.

I continued, "That's where you come in and meet her. Get her out of here as soon as possible. Don't leave any trace of her or your-"

The dog [D/N] barks. Shit.

(btw, i still dont know what's the name of the dog and ya'll have a lot of suggestions so just name the dog as if its ur own.)

We were stunned as we looked at the dog and started to shh the dog.

Kairo's POV

Why the hell is that fucking dog barking.

Should've killed [D/N] a long time ago.

I walked towards the barking dog which was hiding behind the room where we put all our unused materials or furniture.

I turned to where he was barking and didnt see anything.

"Stupid dog"

I left the dog which also stopped barking and put on a smile as I faced [Y/N].

"What's wrong? Who was [D/N] barking at?" She said confused.

"That dog's crazy."

Akiro's POV

As Kairo started walking towards [D/N], I lift Mitsu on top of the room of unused funiture and materials. He pulled out his hand and also helped me up.

I let out a deep breath and said "Phew that was clo-"

"What are you guys doing here?" Kairo, out of nowhere said in confusion.

Hi:) Still didnt know the dog's name. Up to you what would be its name. Bye:)

Edit: the next chapter is about the dog since people have been in a ruckus about it. What do u guys want to happen to the dog??

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