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*Charlie's POV*
It was only a short drive to FVK's house. It was really weird driving on the left hand side and there were a lot of corners and small roads compared to America.

We pulled down a small farm track road until we came face to face with a huge house, bigger that BVB's. We parked up next to some other cars in the spaces infront of the house. We got out of the car, with a bit of struggling with CC, and got our bags out of the boot.

"Hey, I'll get that for you" Kier said taking my suitcase from me.

I looked down blushing, yet again. "Thanks" I smiled. Kier winked at me walking into the house. I followed suit.

We were greeted with hugs from the others. Drew was already running about yelling something about getting dinner. Luke was busy watching TV with Laurence, Shane and all of BVB. Which left Kier and I. All of BVB already had rooms from the last time they were over. I didn't though.

"Come on I'll show you to your room" Kier said leading me up the stairs with suitcase in hand.

We walked down a long corridor passing multiple doors. We stopped outside two doors right across from each other.

"The one on the left is yours, I'm in the one across from it if you ever need me" Kier smiled winking before turning to walk away, "I'll let you get settled in." I couldn't help but admire his ass, clad in skinny jeans as he walked away.

He turned round, "oh and stop looking at my ass, I can practically feel your eyes burning holes in my jeans" he said with a sarcastic tone. I just quickly grabbed my bag and went into the room.

It wasn't small but it was nowhere near as big as the one in BVB's house. It had three white walls and one blood red one. There was a bed in one corner with black covers on it. There was a dresser and built in wardrobes.

It was ok I suppose. I went to my bag and started to put my clothes in the wardrobe. I had brought all of my clothes with me, and all of my belongings cause I didn't have much and I don't own anything I wouldn't use whilst here or need.

It was only 2:30pm but I was tired so I decide to go for a nap.


"Get up, get up, get up!!!" Someone shouted whilst jumping on the bed. I opened my eyes to see Drew bouncing around on my bed.

"Drew get off her now, I'm sorry Charlie" Barrone apologised. Drew jumped off running over and kissing Barrone lightly on the lips. "Come on we're going out for dinner" he smiled.

"I didn't know you toe were actually going out" I said. Cause it's always been a myth, are the timids together are they not?

"Yea, we try to keep the mystery of the timids" Drew smiled walking out of the room with Shane leaving me to get ready.

I walked over to the wardrobe picking out red skinny jeans, a Slipknot tshirt and my galaxy vans. I quickly got dressed, applied some simple eyeliner around my eye, pulled my hair back into a pony tail and I was ready to go.

I ran downstairs looking at my feet. Smack. I ran into someone falling over, a strong pair of arms caught me before I could hit the ground.

I looked up and saw Kier. I quickly scrambled to my feet, bit Kier wouldn't let go. He had a tight grip around my waist.

"Uh, sorry Kier" I mumbled. He smiled looking down at me. He pulled me closer to him.

"It's ok, don't fret. You look beautiful by the way" he smiled. I blushed looking down. Kier tilted my head up with his finger. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Get your mitts off my sister now kemp!" Andy yelled. Great. Andy stormed over to Kier ripping him away by his shirt collar. "Charlie, I thought you would have better taste. I don't want you anywhere near him, ok" I looked down murmuring ok.

"And kemp, you stay away from her!" He roared at Kier. What was Andy's problem with Kier? We weren't even doing anything. There is nothing between us, yet any way.

I don't know about Kier but I felt something special about him. When I was near him. I really wanted to get to know him better.

"Now come on we're going out" Andy instructed leading us to separate cars.


At the restaurant Andy made me sit between him and CC, and Kier was made to sit at the other end of the table. Kier kept mouthing sorry to me throughout the night.

It was rather awkward at the table. Everyone just ate in silence, some of us would have a little conversation with the person sitting next to them. Only Andy, Kier and I knew what happened, but everyone kinda caught on that there was something wrong.

Drew stood up, "right that's it! I've had enough of this awkward silence. What happened between who?!" He demanded.

Andy cleared his through, "well your bud Kemp here decides to get it on with my little sister!" He roared before storming off outside.

"I was not getting it on with Kier" I explained, "I fell down the stairs and Kier caught me, he then gave me a hug making sure I was ok and Andy being the twat he is saw it in the wrong light. Now I'm gonna go explain to Andy, Kier come with me."

Drew sat down murmuring a thank you and conversations started back up as Kier and I left to find Andy.

We found him standing at the back of the building lighting a fag. "Andy" I breathed. He turned to me with a look of discust.

"What" he replied in monotone. I sighed walking closer to him.

"I wasn't getting it on with Kier" he just scoffed. "I fell down the stairs, Kier caught me and he gave me a hug to make sure I was ok. I'm not a slut Andy, I know you don't know me much but I wouldn't do that with you friend, ok?" I sighed.

"Sorry" he mumbled. He engulfed me in a hug. He turned to Kier realising me, "sorry to lash out at ya Kemp, we ok?" He said full seriousness in his voice.

"Yea, just drop it" Kier smiled giving Andy a bro hug.

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