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*Andy's POV*

I was furious with Charlie, it was clearly her in that photo!

"Dude, calm down" CC patted me on the back, "Shouldn't you be happy for her, she found a nice decent guy."

"Kier? Decent?" I chuckled whilst jogging up the stairs to my room. The rest of the guys haven't known Kier as long as me, i know how he used to be. He would date girls for a month and then dump them for no reason other than 'he was bored'. I wasn't going to let that happen to her!

*Kier's POV*

I know why Andy is so angry, he thinks I'm just going to leave Charlie. I would never hurt her, she's special to me. i really like her, unlike all the girls before. I love her. Well I think so anyway.

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