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*Charlie's POV*

Where am I? Why does my head hurt so much? I opened my eyes met with blinding light. I quickly shut them again as the light flooded into my eyes.

"Ah! Where the hell am I?" I asked to no one.

A voice spoke from beside me on my left. "Charlie! Oh my god you're finally awake" I didn't recognise the voice.

I opened my eyes to see a man sitting next to my bed, he was holding my hand. He had red hair and looked like he had been crying.

"Get off me!" I yanked my hand from his, " who are you?" I asked. He looked up at me.

"Charlie, you...you...you don't know?" He sounded upset. I shook my head, just as another man walked through the door.

"Ah, Miss Beirsack, good to see your awake. Do you know where you are?" I looked around.

"In hospital" I told him.

"Good, good. Now I'm are just going to check your blood pressure and then I'll get one of the nurses to get you something to eat if you'd like." I nodded at him. He took my pressure and checked my heart.

He left and a nurse came in, "What would you like dear?"

"Can I just get some water please?" I asked her kindly, she nodded and left before quickly coming back with a glass of water, I thanked her and she left.

I took a few sips and turned to the man in the chair, who had not yet looked at me. "So, who are you, and why are you next to my bed?" I questioned.

"Charlie, it's me Kier. Kier Kemp, we have been dating for just over a month, do you not remember?" He snuffled a bit.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are. Do you know what happened to me?" He was now crying softly in the chair.

He looked over at the wall, "You were hit by a truck, as you got out my car. You had just been shopping and Lawrence had planned a party. Everyone had parked on the track so you had to park out on the pavement, and a truck came round the corner and hit you" He looked up at me, my eyes met his, something seemed familiar, "Do you not remember?"

I looked into his eyes, "Yes, Kier I went on tour and you asked me out, we went swimming and...and yes" he smiled up at me and kissed me sweetly.

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