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*Charlie's POV*
I felt so guilty for what I said, Kier would never do that and I'd probably fucked up our entire relationship. After Ashley left I sat back down on my bed.
Drew appeared at the door, I looked at him with shame. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug, I just burst into tears.
"Hey, it's ok. I can't believe Kier would do such a thing" he lulled me.
I just sobbed more, "he...he... Didn't" I wailed. He looked at me with concern, I managed to stop crying and cleared my tears, "I lied, I was so scared of Andy, I thought he would hurt me, but I didn't mean to. I want to apologise to Kier but he went into his room." I looked at Drew.
"What was Kier doing?" He asked as he stepped away.
I looked down at my feet, "umm...he was just sorta kissing me?" I asked as more of a question than a statement.
Drew looked kinda happy, "Did you want him to?" I slowly nodded.

*Kier's POV*
I couldn't believe this, I stormed into my room slamming the door behind me. I went into my bathroom and looked at my face, Andy has quite a punch. I had bruises already forming.
I trusted Charlie. I balled my hand into a fist and struck the mirror, it smashed little bits of glass piercing my hand,
I heard my bedroom door open, it was Laurence. "Kier! Kier! Are you ok, what the fuck happened!" He looked at me with concern.
"I'm fine" I grunted whilst washing my hand under the tap.
Laurence sat in my bed waiting for me, "so why did you do that to Charlie, I can't believe it!" He sounded almost sad.
I sighed, "then don't, I didn't, she lied. Yes I kissed her but she wanted me to!" My door opened again.
"It's true, I just talked to Charlie" Drew said moving to stand infront of me, "look, Kier she says she's sorry, she got scared when Andy came in she panicked. I think you should talk to her"
I looked up at Drew, "she betrayed me, I don't want to speak to her, she first needs to explain to Andy!"
He walked out of my room slamming the door.

*Drew's POV*
I slammed the door of Kier's room as I made my way into Charlie's, "he wants you to talk to Andy first"
She sighed, "Drew, what do I say to Andy. He'll kill me!"
"But if you don't, Andy will kill Kier instead" I explained.

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