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*Charlie's POV*
I had spent the last two days getting to know the guys. They were all great, I already classed them as family. CC was like my best friend, he was always there for me. Jake and Jinxx were like parents, just watching over all of us making sure we didn't get into any trouble. Ashley was just the pervy cousin who just stared at my ass constantly. And Andy was of course the best big brother ever!

We were currently sitting in the airport waiting on our flight to be called. I had never been out of the state never mind out of the country on a plane! I was a bit nervous to say the least. I think Jake noticed as he came over and sat next to me pulling me onto his lap.

"It's ok, it's just a plane" he whispered into my ear. I smiled knowing how he was always there for me.

"I know, thanks Jakey" I chuckled. He sat with me until our flight was called.

I stood up grabbing my backback. All of us walked over to our gate. Andy handed the lady our tickets and we walked through the pathway until we got to the plane.

I walked down the isle to my seat, row 14B. I was sat in between Ash and Jake. Great. The others were nearer the front.

"It's only 10hours" Jake told me. 10 hours! That's forever! I shifted in my seat as the safety announcement was called. This was gonna be long.


The flight wasn't as bad as I thought, me and Ash played cards and drew on Jake when he was sleeping.

We had just landed and I was nackered, I just wanted to sleep. Jake grabbed my backpack down from the overhead compartment handing it to me as he got his and Ash's. We trudged out of the plane and went to meet Andy,Jinxx and CC.

Once we found them we went to the baggage thingy to get our cases. You could spot them a mile away as we thought it would be fun to get matching neon ones. Ashley had a pink one, CC's was green, Andy's was orange, Jake's was purple, Jinxx's was blue and mines was rainbow. They certainly earned some strange looks.

All of us looked so tiered and it was only 1pm here. I just wanted to sleep. We all trudged slowly out of the airport where FVK were to meet us and take us back.

We got out of the building and looked around. I spotted a red head, Kier Kemp. I had to control myself from fangirling.

"Hey!" Kier exclaimed walking over to us giving all the guys a hug. He turned to me, "and who is this pretty lady" I blushed looking down.

"This is my little sister, Charlie" Andy said putting emphasis on little sister.

Kier turned to me again smiling and giving me a hug. "Hi" he whispered in my ear. Making me blush even more.

We all followed him to a car, a car. There were only 5 seats in a car. Kier was in the drivers seat, Andy in the passengers with me on his lap, Ashley, Jake and Jinxx were in the back with CC lying across them. Hopefully the fuzz didn't stop us.

*Kier's POV*
Charlie. She was certainly fit as fuck. There was also something about her that seemed different from other girls. I really wanted to get to know her more, she intrigued me.

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