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*Charlie's POV*
"Hey, I'm gonna go shopping today. Can I borrow your car?" I asked Kier as we sat watching TV.

"Sure, go ahead. You know where you're going?" He asked me, I explained that I had looked up directions to the shopping centre last night.


"Bye guys!" I sung as I walked out the door towards Kier's car.

I had learned to drive in the states but never sat my test, so while I was here I took a few lessons and sat my theory within the first week of BVB leaving. I passed my practical test just over a week ago now. I am still a new driver, but I'm a confident one at that.


The shopping centre was huge, there were so many different shops than in the U.S.

I bought a few tops and jeans from Primark then headed to Pulp, I got a few band tee's and then grabbed a Starbucks before heading home.

Driving here is so different from in America, the roads are a lot smaller and have more corners. I made it home safely but for some reason there were cars parked on the farm track to the house. I parked on the pavement out side.

I turned and grabbed my two bags from the back seat before opening my door. Black.

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