Chapter 20 - Analise

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Chapter 20 - Analise

    "What's your favorite color?"

"Red," I answered amusedly, raising an eyebrow in Will's direction. "Please tell me why on earth you're asking me these stupid questions?"

"Just answer them," Will answered with an eye roll, writing something down in a notebook.

"Are you... studying me?"

He smirked a little, looking down at his notebook and back at me. "Maybe. For the test, you know. I really can't be bothered to remember it all."

"Next question," I snapped, rolling my eyes and taking a sip of my Sprite.

"Who's your favorite person in the whole world?"

"Drew," I answered easily, a smile taking residence on my face. "Definitely Drew."


"He's my brother, for one. And he took care of me when I had no one else."

"And your parents?"

I thought about the open ended question. Did I trust him enough to tell him? Something told me I did, that he wouldn't take the information and use it against me. He wasn't that type of person. "They were murdered when I was twelve. Drew was eighteen, so he quickly took on the parental role so I didn't have to go into the system. He didn't want to lose me."

Will smiled a small smile at me, nodding. "What happened to them?"

I shrugged, looking down at my lap. Truly, I didn't even know the answer myself. I knew they were murdered at the same time and they died by gunshot wounds - mom to the head, dad to the chest. Drew and I never found out who killed our parents, and we had tried for years. It was like whoever did it was a secret person or something, like from the FBI. That was a crazy thought, though.

Drew and I researched since their death and had only taken a break this year seeing as we weren't getting any answers. We even asked the gang, which my dad was a part of, but they closed up as soon as we brought it up and wouldn't even look into it. Part of me thought maybe it was someone from our gang, but it couldn't be; my dad was nothing but loyal to them.

"I don't really know. They were shot, that's all I know. How did your dad die?"

He looked down sadly, before meeting my eyes again. Sadness clouded his features, and I reached out to comfort him before retracting my hand hastily. What the hell was wrong with me?

"He died on the fourth of July. We were watching the fireworks together with our neighbors and when the neighbor tried to set off a bunch at once, it exploded and the metal shrapnel from it hit him and my dad. He survived, but he had a lot of brain damage. But my dad, who was standing right beside him got the brunt of the damage and it went straight to his chest and head. He was dead before the paramedics even got there."

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