Chapter 23- Love you Goodbye

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Gotta see it to believe it,
Sky never looked so blue
So hard to leave it,
That's what I always do
So I keep thinking back
To a time under the Canyon Moon...

-Harry Styles, Canyon Moon



Striding inside the room, it felt as if the walls compressed the given space and would consume me anytime now. It took everything I had in me not to burst out and make a scene; not to scold Charlie for hiding. After all, yelling wasn't going to solve any of my problems and neither was blaming myself or crying about it- and I'd learnt it the hard way.

"I don't think the hospital is a good hangout place ya know. So maybe save your gossips until I send you two on an actual date." I discreetly wiped my eyes and put off my cracked voice by masking it with humour.

"Summy, I'm starting to think that Charlie is my soulmate ya know." Harry said mocking me and winked back at her while they continued to giggle. And shockingly enough, they even had a choreographed HANDSHAKE!

"I never got one of those from you Charlie!" I pouted.
"Oh hun, it's only for people who are in a band, have nice hair, are tall and have a gorgeous girlfriend." Her reply made me blush as I looked down and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Just to let you know, the gorgeous girlfriend she's talking about is herself. Gee don't turn into such a tomato." Harry continued laughing as if that's the funniest joke he's ever cracked, receiving a hard smack on his arm.

It was hard not to think of this as a bittersweet moment, just like in the book "The Best of Me"; where Amanda hugs her son and listens to Dawson's beating heart inside her son, knowing that Dawson's never coming back...don't cry, don't goddamn cry now I thought as I felt the bleariness along with the gutted feeling that followed.

"Don't lie to yourself and me..." Charlie caught my hand amidst the faded laughs. "I'm sorry but I didn't tell you because I didn't want the last moments of my life to be spent mourning but living." How did she know? That's it Charlie. That's the only thing you HAD to say. I couldn't stop myself anymore and roared cries until I collapsed beside her bed. I noticed Harry being completely stunned and confused by the simultaneous turn of events but his strong arms still wrapped around me. His hushing was all I could hear as I now sobbed over his shirt.

What was this that I had called upon myself? This wasn't just heartbreak, but pain. Pain that didn't just touch my heart but pierced my soul. For the first time in my life, I was clear about something in my future- but it wasn't a good thing; I was sure about feeling this pain my for the rest of my life. It seemed to finally hit Harry what was happening as he met with The doctor's concerned gaze that hovered around all of us. And just like every time, he didn't even utter a single word and contained himself from crying. And just like every time, he held me closer to his heart only to let me know that he is here for me.


Indeed, the lump in my throat convinced my eyes to droop and all the strength in my body to drain. But this predicament required me to stand strong; for a broken Sum's sake. Charlie frosty hand now raised to her face to wipe off her own bitter tears that were beginning to betray the smile on her face. The room filled with light sniffles and I could see myself being torn between helping them stop crying or join in the harmony.

Pain did exist in abundance at this very moment- but the tears overlapping the silence weren't sad ones but rather a song of sweet departure of a story; the story being Charlie. "Here..." I got Sumire back on her feet. "She's the story the you wanted. She gave you a new life. She gave you Delilah. And that's how you're going to let her spend her last days? In a room filled with the smell of insulin and possibly, faeces?"

And just for the little moment, they cackled.

Sumire's bold brown eyes sparkled and her lips creased teasing slight dimples out of her cheeks as she began monotonously, "Charlie, you are more to me than just someone who gave me a place to stay. You gave me a home, you taught me living and most importantly, you are the reason I'm aware of the blessings in my life..." she looked up back at me, kissing the back of my hand while embracing it. "And Charlie, you are my Family."

Charlie erupted in gleaming tears of recognition as surprisingly, Sum was no longer crying. She carefully slid a hand on Charlie's back and hugged her, grimacing. "And how long are you gonna pretend you don't wanna cry Mr. Styles? I have room for two crybabies ya know?" She extended a hand.


The little episode of serendipity didn't cost us anything much except Harry looking like a red bean, soaked in water overnight- when I said he pretended not wanting to cry, he really meant it and the heavy cries were evident due to his swollen face. Also, maybe he had a lot many things to cry about than just the situation cause I'm pretty sure I heard him say "I miss Mum" and "the weather is too cold" for which, Charlie and I stifled our laughter. He seemed to have splashed some cool water on the way out as he teeth still clattered and shivers formed a pattern over his exposed skin.

"What?" He asked with a smile when I clung on his shoulders, my eyes not able to resist his beautiful emeralds anymore. "Nothing." I lied. I had fallen hard for him.

(Time lapse)

"Good morning!" My voice rung in the whole house as Lila and Janice emerged downstairs immediately. Charlie was awake before anyone else and she sat on a chair beside, instructing and guiding me on how to make the perfect pancakes- which I earlier thought were easier.

Lila ran across the cold linoleum floor in her loose Avengers' pyjamas that had a shield printed on the front side. Her hair were thrown away in a mess while the side of her cheek had dried up with the drools yet her green eyes still shone full of glee. "Morning Summy!" She smacked aggressive kisses on my face. "Seems someone had a little too good of a sleep!" I smirked. "And what about you Jan? Did you sleep well?" Janice seemed lively and upbeat in her crisp yellow blouse that bore printed flowers complimenting her glowing, flawless skin. Her white jeans seemed just as right and her hair perfectly tied up in a bun. What a contrast, I thought, between being grown up and being a toddler. And then there's me, knowing nothing about the difference, I mentally facepalmed.

We had decided not to admit Charlie to the hospital so that she could spend the few days LIVING rather than rotting in a room that reeked of death and honestly, it wasn't that hard of a decision. The plan was simple:- everyone one of us were going to enjoy the blessed days that Charlie had by facing one fear each of us had, and that we were to celebrate it by doing one thing we loved. Charlie insisted that Janice live with us while the boys were to sort out their own mess- she didn't want Janice to assist 4 grown up men do their chores and honestly, I think that was the beginning of their 'Face the Fears' adventure.

Munching on the soggy maple bathed pancakes (that tasted better than they usually do), we discussed the itinerary for today as the boys joined us for breakfast.


My sister midnight178 moved to the Scandinavian region and I miss her too much. She's been one hell of a gorgeous support ❤️ go check out her spine chilling and terror filled books cause I assure you wouldn't want to sleep without your lights on....


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