Chapter 1- Happy Ending

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This was it. Looking around, I realized this was all I ever asked for, all I ever wanted- then why was my heart giving up on me now? I smoothed down my wedding veil, running a hand through its carefully embroidered white lace and delicately held the crisp net- donning cotton butterflies- that was going to shelter my crafted hair bun. The dress, my bridesmaids, the ancient and elegant church and most importantly the love of my life was all a dream come true. But the feeling of all of this being too unrealistic crept in; like any second now, I'll wake up only to find all of this gone.

"Hey, Sum! Just calm down and breathe ok? I know this is overwhelming but don't let the wedding jitters get to you!" My sister, Caroline snickered noticing the sweat beads that outlined my face. I gave her a reassuring half-smile. Yes. That's what it was. Wedding jitters. Cold feet. Calm down Sumire and all of this will be fine. The gurgling in my stomach almost peered out moreover Caroline's sarcastic assurance made me a little comfortable.

Although she was younger to me, she had found love a little earlier -ok maybe 3 years earlier- than I did and since she had gone through this phase, her bits of advice seemed legit. I was also the closest to her for she always hid all my secrets (hopefully the embarrassing ones too) and she knew me better than anyone. Caroline brought a finger to her pouted, plump red lips, batted her eyelashes for a while until the gold in her brown eyes glowed up while she scrutinized me. "Ok you're making me ne-" I hinted at my anxiety until she cut me off midway teasing a single strand of my brown hair, twisting it and bringing it to my face.
"Perfect." She smiled proudly.

Clutching the veil closer to my heart, I got up beginning towards the tall mirror that towered the dresser. My reaction clearly gave away how unprepared I was to look into the reflection: maybe it was how wonderfully the makeup artists had done their job or how my dress looked. But the way I was taken aback, Caroline could totally tell that I was reminiscing the time I met Harry...


I stood there fiddling with my bow tie, unsatisfied with however Niall tried to put it up. This was my special day, OUR special day and I feared not even trying to look as good as she would. The way she'd walk through the church doors, knowing too well that all eyes would be appreciating her as she would tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, being consumed by the nervousness, while the small bouquet of flowers would perfectly fit into her hands - just like her hands fit into mine. I was more than ready to step ahead and drape her into my kisses even before we say "I do".

Breaking my trance, Niall smacked the pillow right into my face, " hahaha! Look at the boy dreaming even before he's awake yet!" "Oh shut up Ni ! Now please go stand outside the room and instruct to keep minimum paparazzi around Sumire. I don't want her to be self-conscious or pissed."
"Sure Haz ." Niall imitated the name Sumire loves to call me by; he knew he gets on my nerves when he does that, but that Irish leprechaun knows my hands are tied for he's been like a brother to me. And about the paparazzi, I thought, if were anywhere around her, I'd definitely see a worked up Sum on the aisle just waiting to smack everyone in their face until the vows are exchanged. Even thinking about her made me jittery, like an eleven-year-old with a crush, and I laughed heartily as I facepalmed.

"Um.. this... I..." Sumire stood in front of me, the anxiety consuming her face. I lightly wrapped my huge arms around her, clearly covering all of her upper body as I rested my hand on the small of her back. I could feel her sigh in relief and a tear broke out dripping onto my sweatshirt. "I-I'm sorry, this... this is really a dream come true..." Sumire failed to meet my eye, but her hazel eyes caught my breath; her wheatish-tan skin bearing plump lips, round eyes outlined by long, dark eyelashes and the lost look in her eyes could never be ignored. "Gee, your dreams can be better than me" I joked as a seemingly unprecedented and beautiful smile broke out from her face.

I sprayed the cologne around my suit and ran a hand through my hair, making it a little messier, just the way Sumire liked. I preferred minimum professional help for I wanted Sumire to know I would always be her Harry, without a tag. The Harry who would want to wake her up on a warm Sunday morning, placing crisp waffles with freshly cut fruits on the side plate on a mini table and watching Sum rub her eyes as the bright sunshine teased her sleep. I wanted to be the Harry who she'd happily call hers. I couldn't wait for the saga to begin.

I hope you guys are vibing the start! I'm sorry if it's not up to how you expected to be (and I openly want your suggestions) but I promise this story will build up beautifully! Also, I'm going to reveal how the met, in the next chapter so pleaaassee don't leave🌞❤️
I just want your support and believe me, the story is light, fun and full of adventures !( spoiler :- there's going to be a lot of VOYAGING)

All the love,

Until the sun shines [h.s.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang