Chapter 4 - Now What?

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I wish I could make the time stop
So we could forget everything and everyone
I wish that the time would line up
So we could just give in to what we want
'Cause when I got somebody, you don't
And when you got somebody, I don't
I wish that the time would line up
So we could just give in...
- Lauv and Julia Michaels, there's no way.


I was here at the airport, with the ticket to somewhere I don't know; I wasn't the least bit worried about going to Amsterdam because isn't that how a lead in a movie/book starts her journey? By randomly picking up one spot she likes because it has flowers? Isn't it?

I hope I wasn't wrong. But now what?

Working my way through the security, I had one last glimpse of Harry in my mind, before I'd leave this place. Being the sweetheart he is, I know he wouldn't have been angry- I was the one really furious with my decision. I acted like a hormonal teenager leaving behind what's good for her future and returning to the same toxic ex, who she thinks would marry her in the future- it was a bullsh*t teenage move. Stepping onto the hard airport floor, I realized it was too late now; it was too late to think about those tousled curls, or the warmth of the pale skin that creased right beside his intoxicating lips when he smiled or those crystal clear green eyes that looked through my bare soul.

I couldn't have everything my confused self wanted at once. Perhaps, I was being stupid. Perhaps, I didn't understand myself. Perhaps, this is what I will regret later on. Wiping the single beaded tear and choking on any more of them coming out, I consoled myself saying "it's better to regret doing it than regret not doing it." Hoping for the well being of my family, my friends and Harry, I boarded the plane, only to start a journey unknown to myself.

"Careful sweetie!" I warned way after I lightly knocked over a 4-year-old. She looked up to me with her silver eyes, and her pink lips pouted inflating her rosy cheeks. Instinctively, she punched my duffel bag with whatever strength she had. "Owwie! I'm sure of the fact that the bag is more hurt than you. Guess it deserved it now, didn't it?" I couldn't ignore how adorable the little girl was, wearing the Elsa printed tee and her light-blue washed jean shorts. She began her angry trip towards the opposite direction, only to walk right into an older lady, seemingly in her 60s. "Now Lila, that's not how we greet someone. Pretty lady here was trying to make your ouchie go away." The woman, thickly Geordie accented with a New York touch, smiled pleasantly towards me and Lila failed to meet my gaze, still fuming little puffs of anger with her head facing the floor.

"Haha! It's really fine. I'm a child psychologist so I've been with a lot of adorable kids. Also, did I mention, each of them became my best friends later?" I bend down to poke her soft cheek, pouting the same way she did when she slapped my hand away. "I'm not one of those 'kids'! Your bag punched me and I'm not going to talk to you because you're it's mommy!" Lila spoke somewhat gibberish which had to be the cutest thing ever. "You know what? You are right. I need to teach it some manners. But the bag says, 'if she's not your friend, why should you listen to her?' Now I guess we need to shake hands." I placed my hand in front of her. Lila looked up at her grandmother and after receiving a reassuring nod, she brought her hand closer to mine. The fragility of the tiny fingers and nails melted me and her innocence won over my heart.

"I'm Charlie by the way, I'm her granny and this little munchkin here is Delilah. Lila for short." The old lady smiled kindly, reminding me of my own grandma. "I'm Sumire," I replied, still playing with Lila's short auburn curls.

A few minutes later, we surprisingly found out that they were my seat neighbors and I was always delighted for a good company. After settling Lila down, Charlie asked, "So flying for work or leisure?"

"I don't really know."


I hope you guys are liking the friendship🌻 my story will love you as much as you like it❤️ I figured that both, Sumire and Harry have to find themselves before they begin their romance, but it is on the way🥰✌🏼


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