Chapter 16- Which way to go?

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I know when we started
Just two hearts in one home
It gets harder when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You'll bring me home

- Harry Styles, Sweet Creature



I was exhausted and the weariness from the hangover last night still lasted on my face. My eyes were burning, the puffiness somewhat reduced by Janice's 'cold spoon' trick (which involved refrigerating spoons and then placing it on your eyes) which pretty much relaxed them. Janice was there with me all night, listening to how much I love Sumire, and - I don't know how am I ever going to live down disappointing her, but I believe she will find 'the one' someday.

I wasn't even completely awake when my phone rang, displaying Niall's contact name. Conflicted about whether to let him know about this incident or no, I accepted the FaceTime.
"What's up me Mate? What's ne-" And there it was, Niall finally taking in my appearance, "Umm, Harry? Why does it look like someone made you stand under the sun WITH YOUR EYES OPEN and worked you all night in the iron factory?"

I knew I HAD to tell Niall about what went down yesterday, because right now, there was no other escape from either the reality or his immature assumptions. When I was done reciting the event, I could see the concern on Niall's face meanwhile a crackling voice on the other end- that belonged to Louis- filled the silence. "Guess I have to come back. There is no point in staying here if she is DETERMINED not to be with me." I sighed in defeat.
"Coward." Louis screeched, rolling his eyes.
"Excuse me?" Said Niall and I in a unison.
"Yes. Should I spell it out for you? Throughout whatever you told us, did once she mention about not wanting you? Did once she mention about not wanting the life with you?"
"No, but-"
"HARREH! That's the thing! Both of you idiots just assume what the other thinks or wants. I mean sure I could say, you guys 'understand each other' but how well have you even known each other when throughout the relationship, you were either busy with touring and Sumire was busy with her job?" The words that Louis said, were knocking into me like a pound brick. Although it might seem offensive, he made a lot of sense when he said we didn't know each other well- we had our first fight, like, YESTERDAY.

"Louis, stop making sense. I need my advice giving time as well." Niall added. And the boys started fighting, with Liam walking out of the shower and calming the quarrel down, after which he threw a peace sign and a creepy kiss in my direction.

Swaying my head sideways while laughing, I disconnected thinking about how every idiot I had in my life, made it better-And how can I forget Louis not cussing even once while he explained? I stepped into the morning light, basking every inch of it I could. I really wanted to find her, but before, I needed to find myself and then start all over again.


Lila was yet to return and Charlie was off again to a friend's house till the evening. Charlie had suggested I play video games or take a stroll outside to kill the time, but neither the virtual world or any human contact could've made the situation better. The tv channels were mostly Dutch or news channels which, quite frankly, never piqued my interest. I decided I'd watch Masterchef and realise what all other dishes I can add to my 'I can't cook' book until I got bored of that as well.

I preceded towards the kitchen, stretching on my toes to reach the coffee beans on the cabinet. With the struggle of tip-toeing, I eventually lost my balance, falling down hard on the vinyl floor and taking down other utensils that were in a hand's reach. Facepalming, I picked myself up from the accident, snorting and placing the goodies back to where they were. I was convinced my clean up was good enough to make the incident uneventful.

Something amongst the chaos of silverware caught my eye. I swear my heart stopped beating for a sweet minute and I was startled by the whistling of the coffee maker. The primmed photograph that I delicately clutched was enough buckle me at one place, in complete astonishment, until Lila or Charlie appeared.

My choice of emotion was undecided- except for a heaving jaw that lay unmechanised- and I couldn't even craft any theories based on the young family in the picture and I felt so distant to lack any knowledge regarding it. I was gawking at the artefact while the Television still roared through the living room; my frozen feet couldn't acknowledge any movement around the house as my eyes scanned the image.

"Summyyyyyy! Where are youuuuuu?" I could faintly hear Lila's voice booming through the house but I was in a world way apart to locate where it came from. Within no second, Lila was beside me, chirping diligently about every single detail of her day while I still looked towards the photo placed on the table. "Why are you not listening to me?" Lila frowned until her own eyes saddened looking at the picture. "Papa and Mumma..." she murmured pointing her chubby finger at the family as the colour of my face drained away.


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