A Christmas Carol, Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You did what?" Taeyong scolded.

"You weren't suppose to say that!" Mark scolded Donghyuck.

"Haha! Papa!" Jisung said, waddling in with Chenle, both waddling in with scratches on their legs and knees.

"Oh my, come on, let's get you two cleaned up," Yuta said.

"Oh no, my poor children," Sicheng said, sighing.

"Sorry, daddy," Little Donghyuck said.

"It's alright, don't do that next time," Sicheng said, ruffling Donghyuck's hair.

Donghyuck smiled at Mark, and the two washed their hands, helping out with the cooking.

"I can sense that the Donghyuck boy is going to pass soon," Jaemin said.

"W-what do you mean?" Doyoung stuttered.

"It's apart of life, you know?" Jaemin mumbled.

Doyoung couldn't believe his ears. He didn't want Donghyuck to die, or at least pass away, he barely knew the kid.

Fast Forward time, Doyoung stared at the skeletal body of Jaemin, which had washed away.

(You will know what I am talking about if you have watched the animated version, which is kinda scary, ngl.)

Then, he saw a dark shadow. Must be that last one.

"A-are you the Ghost of Christmas Future?" Doyoung said, and it nodded.

Then, it teleported Doyoung into an area, where he stood there quietly. The shadow reappeared. It pointed at an area, showing a horse and carriage. Then, one of the showed horses came to life, with it's red eyes staring at Doyoung.

Doyoung bolted, as the shadowy figures chased him down. It was a wild goose chase, until the shadowy figure showed him a dead body under white sheets, but Doyoung refused to look at it. Then, he was at a grave.

The ghost pointed at a grave, the snow fell and it revealed Doyoung's name. Doyoung kept denying, and denying it. It then showed ,the date, December 25th. Doyoung didn't want to see it.

Then a whirlpool of snow opened underneath Doyoung, Doyoung pleaded for his life, he held onto a branch, which turned into his black skeletal figure. The face was revealed, a small looking baby, he looked so innocent.

The boy showed him a cold look, making Doyoung feel scared.

(It's our Renjunnie, guys, it's fine, Renjun can't kill people-)

Then the boy let go of Doyoung's grip, then Doyoung fell into the coffin, which opened up.

(Never mind. Hint: my sarcasm)

Doyoung woke up, the light was shining on his face, and he was back. He went to his window, and asked a boy, who was pulling a sled.

"Hello there! Yea, you!" Doyoung shouted.

"Huh?" the boy asked.

"What day is it today?" he asked.

"By golly, it's Christmas!" the boy replied.

"It haven't even passed! I still have time. Apparently ghosts can do what they want, don't they?" Doyoung mumbled to himself.

"Do you know where the poultry is?" Doyoung asked.

"Well, mother would've smacked me right side up if I didn't know," the little boy replied.

"What a smart child," Doyoung thought.

"Do you know the turkey, not the small one, but the big one is still up hanging at the poultry?" Doyoung shouted to the boy.

"Yes, it still is!" the boy said.

"I want you to go buy it for me, if you come within 5 minutes, and I'll give you a half a crown!" Doyoung shouted, and the boy went off running.

Doyoung chuckled, and he dressed.

Doyoung went downstairs, and said Merry Christmas to his housekeeper.

"He's gone mad!' She screamed, as she quickly ran down stairs.

Doyoung chased after her, and he kind of proved that it was really him. He then went outside, and was greeted by the boy and the seller of the turkey. Doyoung gave the little boy what he had promised him, and he told the man to send it to a certain address.

Doyoung thought, as he walked into his house, "Hehe, that turkey is about twice as big as Donghyuck, oh, how the Jung's will be in for a surprise."

Doyoung got dressed, and arrived at Lucas's house.

Doyoung fake coughed, and appeared at the door.

"Uncle," Lucas mumbled.

"Um, I'm here for the party... if you'll have me," Doyoung mumbled.

"Of course Uncle!" Lucas said, joyfully.

Doyoung and the rest of the others, (WayV), having a really nice Christmas meal.

The next day...

Doyoung smirked, 16 minutes late. Jaehyun rushed into the building, and breathed heavily.

"I'm sorry sir- I," Jaehyun said, before getting cut off.

"Jung, come here," Doyoung spoke, sternly.

"I think that it is utterly disgraceful....how I haven't given you a raise!" Doyoung scolded Jaehyun.

Jaehyun looked at Doyoung in disbelief, he was confused. Wasn't he supposed to be scolded and get yelled at?

"I'm giving you a raise, and I will support you until Donghyuck get's better," Doyoung said, putting his arm around Jaehyun's shoulder.

Jaehyun smiled.

"Now, here, go buy some coal and let's celebrate your raise!" Doyoung said putting on Jaehyun's coat for him, and handing him a poach of coins.

He pushed Jaehyun out, and Jaehyun looked through the window, and he saw Doyoung happily dancing by himself, joyfully.

Jaehyun smirked, and slowly walked.

"and, Doyoung was better than his word, he did all that he said he would and more. To our Donghyuck, who got well, Doyoung was like a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master as good a man as the good old City ever knew. It was almost sitting and he knew how to keep Christmas well in South, as Donghyuck had observed," Jaehyun said.

The End~
December 24th, 2019

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