Chaz gave you a quick hug, with Cal looking sour at your side. You say bye to them both as they walk across the street.

Cal: Justin hasent got in touch with you for 3 days, and now hes hanging with another girl?.... See i told you he was bad news!

You: Drop it Cal!

As the words left your lips, so did the tears. You ran on ahead of him and all the way home. You didnt want to hear what he had to say. You just didnt. As you reach your front door, you notice Wil's car was gone and as the sun was still shining, you chose to do a bit of sunbathing in the garden, with a good book.

You were having a rich meal at Neils & Niki's with two boys and a blonde girl. Justin was sitting opposite you with his hand on yours. Kayley, who sat next him, put her arm around his waist leaned her face close to his cheek then gave you a evil smile. Cal, who was sat next to you, was shouting something. The cafe door burst open and Ryan and Chaz appeared, both their arms folded. They too were saying something. Suddenly a food fight broke out and Kayley splashed Coke all over your front. Someone was pulling you away, telling you to have a shower. You tell them you dont want a shower. You want to sleep. Water tips all over your head. You scream.

You open your eyes and find yourself sat in the garden, drenched! It was chucking it down with rain. You grab your soggy book and dash inside.

*I need to stop dozing off*.

In your room, you discover that you are actually a little burnt, which is a plus. *Where the hell did that cloud come from?*.

Kate walks in a bit later on.

Kate: Omg, i had a great time today! She jumps onto your bed with the biggest smile.

You: Whoa, you must really like him!

Kate: Hes funny, makes me laugh. We went to grab summit to eat and then we decided to go to the cinemas.

You: Ooo, no kissing i hope!

Kate: Nah.... not yet.

She gives a small wink and floats out your room.

You wake up the next morning, to another boring Sunday lieing ahead of you.

After much consideration about what to do, you decide to go on your computer, as you havent touched it in like a week. You log onto facebook, check all the latest gossip. Nothing interesting. Then you suddenly thought to check out Justins twitter. You log in to find you have 278 new follower requests. *oh no, please dont say the fans have found out my twitter*. You go onto his page and start to read his tweets ...

#whenmumsmiles i smile :) - 12 hours ago

Had a good day today. i love taking my mum shopping and seeing her smile =) - 12 hours ago

Thankyou so much to all my fans i really appreciate all of it. Still a normal kid tho and loving it - 18 hours ago

Cant wait to get working on the new album next week. Working with some great people - 18 hours ago

Had an amazing day shooting some more scenes for my new music video. Cant wait for you guys to see it!! - 1 day ago

Really hyped. On set, shooting for my upcoming music video. - 1 day ago

On the way to the set, with Dan Kanter. Goofing off. - 1 day ago

Think its time to play some ball. Come on usher. i always beat you ;) - 2 days ago

Had a great time catching up with some old friends. Feel hyped. - 2days ago

At some of my old friends house. having a good time. what you guys think of this weather? ;) - 2days ago

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)Where stories live. Discover now