"I know my beautiful girlfriend's breathing when I hear it?" He tries.

I laugh again, "Dork."

"So what's happening?" He asks breezily.

"Just sent the two lovebirds off on their date," I say, picking up flowers Greg had given Kalia.

"Sky and Micky?"

"Nope," I say putting the flowers in a vase on the kitchen table, "Greg and Kalia."

"Ah, I see."

"So what are you up to?" I ask him, praying that he'd invite me over.

"Watching TV by myself. It's a sad life really."

I giggle, "maybe you need a cuddle buddy?" I hint.

"Maybe," he tells me with a teasing tone.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes?"


I hang up and race over to where my boyfriend is waiting for me.

"How did I get so lucky?" Dan's voice asks me as we sit on the couch, Dan constantly playing with my hair.

"What do you mean?" I ask teasing him, "I think I'm the one that got lucky."

"Hey shush, you're perfect,"

I gape at him, "are you kidding? There's is like nothing you can't do... Except for make microwave popcorn,"

He laughs and pulls me closer to him.

"Never going to let that go are you? And I can't do everything!"

"Nope, and yes you can," I point out, before turning around to give him a peck on the cheek.

He smiles at me but before I could turn my head back to the movie, he kisses me. His lips soft and perfect on mine.  He pulls back slightly and licks his lips, "you taste good," he whispers.

I blush furiously.

"You're so perfect," I whisper back before kissing him again.

Suddenly my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Ugh, way to ruin a perfect moment.

Dan chuckles and gestures for me to answer the phone.

I pull my phone out ready to rage at who had interrupted us.

Kalia's name flashes across my phone screen.

Oh hell no.

Reluctantly, I get up off Dan's lap and walk into the kitchen.

"Girl you better have a good excuse!" I hiss angrily.

"Mia! Can you pick me up?" Kalia's voice whispers.

"What? Why? It's only like 5 o'clock!"

"I just... I want to leave, please?" She begs.

"Bloody hell, why? Where's Greg?"

"He's outside..." She whispers trailing off.

"Well maybe you should go and join him? What are you doing Kalia?!" I yell, growing impatient.

"I don't... I don't connect with him. Please just pick me up Mia?" Her voice weak.

The truth suddenly hits me hard and fast... She doesn't like him...

"Kalia, I'm sorry, but even if I wanted to pick you up... I can't..." I say, thinking about Dan in the living room, "can't you just get through the night?"

"Umm..." She contemplates, "I think I'll just tell him I'm not feeling well."

A wave of guilt eats at me.

"Oh okay Kalia, I'm sorry. I don't know why you don't like him, Greg's a great guy!"

"I know, he is... Just... Not for me."

"Okay then, I'll talk to you later," I say to her plainly.

"Okay, bye,"

I stay in the kitchen for a bit wondering what could've gone wrong. Besides Dan of course, Greg has to be one of the sweetest guys in the world! Why Kalia can't see that is a mystery to me...

"You okay babe?" A voice from the door startles me.

I turn around to see Dan leaning against the doorway all sexy and looking at me with concern.

"Kalia doesn't like Greg," I sigh with defeat.


"Yeah! I don't get it either."

"Oh man, Greg is going to be crushed." Dan says wrapping his arms around me.

I bite my lip with guilt and regret.

"No, I have to make Kalia give him another chance. None of this makes sense." I state with determination.

I feel Dan's lips press onto my temple.

"You're amazing," he says squeezing me tighter.

"I love you," I whisper against his chest.

"I love you too,"

I just hope one day maybe Greg and Kalia could be like us...


A/N: I've held onto this chapter for ages! I'm sorry... We love every little comment you guys give us, please keep them coming, they motivate us to keep writing! Regarding the next chapter, I have no idea as to when I'll be able to write it; my external Cambridge exams have started, and Rachel's are starting soon too. So an advanced Sorry!   But please, keep your amazing comments coming! Love you all so 3eeking much ;) x

Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/District3 Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora