Chapter 12

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[Author's note: If you notice any errors in my writing, find something confusing, or have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! Thanks for reading!]

Ash hadn't fallen asleep very quickly, but now that he had, vision came to him. He was walking around in the snowy night, and he saw the bodies of dead cats, but not just any cats, stand-outs. They looked as if the blood in their bodies had been sucked right out of them, considering it covered the ground. He continued walking, and recognized the stand-out's face, Flame. And Spider, and Rain, Clay, Tiger, Storm, and even Stream. His heart panicked when he saw the lifeless body of Stream. He burst into tears and wailed in agony. He tried to remember it wasn't real, just a vision, but it was hard. Then the bodies disappeared and the grass was clear of all the blood.

A silhouette stood on the horizon, Ash could tell it was that of a white she-cat, but it wasn't Stream, for the silhouette's eyes were green, not blue. The shape started out small, then it started to grow, and as it did, horns on its head and wings on its back grew with it. What a strange cat, with wings and horns.

"The change has come, but not yet been accepted. Please forgive your ancestors for past rivalries, and stand with us in this battle. One alone, will save us all, but still stand together and less will fall," the familiar secretive voice of an Echo whispered in his ear, as he turned to see her, she seemed to dissolve as his vision left him.

A new prophecy had come. Had Stream gotten it too? For she had last time, and that was when they found their special connection. He opened his eyes, relishing the sweet scent of his favorite she-cat. She must have come to sleep beside him shortly after he'd fallen asleep. He slowly got up, careful not to wake Stream. He had to check on the cats who slept in their own dens.

First he went to where the mothers had slept. The wind was gone now, and it had stopped snowing. He peeked in.

"Good morning Ash!" Rock meowed happily.

"What brings you here?" River questioned.

"How come you smell like dirt?" Echo shriveled her nose.

"Kits! Don't bug your new leader!" Spark, the grey and black mother, called.

"It's fine, I am just coming to check on every cat, and I smell like dirt from sleeping in my den, Echo." Ash answered coolly.

"They are growing quickly, almost ready to sleep in the Shadows den," Spark purred.

"Yes, I agree, but they still need a couple more moons of training yet." Ash saw Zinnia curled around all her kittens, except Moon.

"I am going to go check on the others," Ash turned and left the nursery.

Mud padded up to him. "Ash, I cannot come to your service anymore, since Stone says I'm expecting kits."

The black tom noticed how round her belly had become, and he nodded. She padded passed him to rest with the other mothers. She must have finally accepted Root as her mate. Ash found his paws where the fully trained Shadows slept. Their den seemed smaller than usual, and very crowded, though there were only five cats inside. He spotted Sand, Boulder, Snake, Forest, and Cloud. They were all asleep, so he looked in the next den, where two Shadows-in-training slept. He recognized Doe and Fawn. They were brother and sister. They were Sand's and Boulder's kittens.

"Ash! Stream was with us last night, but I cannot find her!" Dawn yowled across the clearing.

The black tom darted to her side. "Shh.. Calm down, she's in my den."

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