Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

It would work if I was stupid, and It would work if my mind hadn't already been made up.

"Money?" I asked suspiciously, "I know how much a person earns in a year, how did you get that money together?"

"The payments in the Southern continent is very different, you make money quick. But since they are so strict on people entering and leaving, we have loyal members work there for anywhere between a month and a year, our longest operative was stationed in Trior for two years. And then up here... mostly illegal activity. Things that would make your king-mate fuming with rage." Zayin informed, his dirty, scruffy gave and puffy red eyes telling me exactly what illegal matters they dealt with.

What stood out to me was the Southern Continent. Why did it keep coming up? Based off what I had learnt, it would seem that this entire operation had begun down south, but migrated to the North.

But why?

I could feel the rustling around me, but there was no breeze, no wind or reasoning for the movement. I knew that the team Maddox had placed were getting restless in waiting for my signal. But I wasn't done, I needed more information. But I knew my limits, I knew my time. It was getting cold, the almost-invisible clouds setting lower and lower in the sky. And the moon, easily providing more light then the flimsy lantern then Zayin was holding.

"What are your emotional ties to the southern continent? Because they seem to be playing a pretty important part in your little group." I stated, trying to put as much disbelief in my voice as possible, make him desperate, let him keep trying to persuade me.

He shrugged, "Our leader, he was born there. Nothing more than that."

Boom. That's what I needed him to say,

"Your leader, and who is that exactly?"I asked carefully,

Zayin hesitated, "I- He prefers to keep to himself."

I clicked my tongue, "You don't know who he is." The quick whitening of his face told me his unspoken answer, "Does anyone?"

He pulled himself together, "Yes. Only six. The leader runs the rebellion, but those six men run the inside,"

I raised an eyebrow, "Names?"

He shook his head, "Don't know names. It's a very private organisation, an honour to be joining really, but I have met them. They were the one who decided I was the one who should come and talk to you."

Suspicious. He was right, clearly, this was much more private than any of us could have guessed. I racked my brain, what did I need to know? What could I get him to extend on? What did I need?

"Who do you plan to kill? If you're planning on taking over the government and the monarchy, who will you kill?"

Zayin sent me a filthy smile, showing off his crooked, multicoloured teeth. "You already know the names, anyone who stands in our way."

I did know. Maddox, Elliot, Cassius, Dakota, Zina, Callie, Peyton, their pups, Margaret, Charles, any epsilon who had any rank at all. Maybe every wolf in Gyabo. It wouldn't surprise me.

I visibly relaxed, "Then I think we're done here."

The last thing I saw was Zayin's triumphant face fade before maybe twelve warriors dropped from the trees and ran in. The six that were in wolf form surrounded him. I watched his face, he knew exactly what was going to happen. I flinched as the snarls took over the sound of Zayins shrill screaming.

The other six epsilons came straight to me, turning me away from the scene and trying to take me away as soon as possible.

"They aren't to attack until your out of sight your highness, King Lancasters orders. We need you out of here as soon as possible, we can't risk his escape." One whispered, creating almost a wall behind me.

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